Theme Of Bigotry In To Kill A Mockingbird

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By exposing issues surrounding prejudice, individuals are challenged to alter their ideals, promoting change in societies. Both Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s poem Son of Mine raise ideas of bigotry that possess the ability to inspire societies to become more inclusive. Through exploring the transformative capacity of innocence, injustice and hope, composers allow the audience an alternative insight into prejudice.

Untainted innocence provides prejudiced individuals with a new perspective of the world. The fragility of the uncorrupted innocence of a child offers unbiased insight into bigotry within society. Lee’s use of protagonist Scout, a child, is able to influence those who have been exposed to prejudice …show more content…

Cultural identity and individuality has the ability to challenge a society’s discrimination. Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s poem Son of Mine is an exploration of how hope can inspire future generations to reconcile their differences and heal despite past prejudices. Noonuccal utilises the metaphor of “Puzzled and hurt by colour line” to highlight the segregation akin to that of a dividing line experienced by Indigenous Australians and the confusion this caused children. This emphasises the complexity of discrimination to a child and the detriment of prejudice as it causes individuals to become excluded early in their lives. The rhetorical question “What can I tell you, son of mine?” as posed by Noonuccal examines the disbelief felt by Indigenous Australians as they watched their land be invaded and became victimised by prejudiced barriers. This elucidates the frustration parents have for their children born into a world of discrimination, as they will not be granted certain opportunities and will instead face isolation. Noonuccal’s anaphora of “I could tell you” depicts the choice she has to inform her son of the wrongs and brutality that plagued the Indigenous Australians. This exemplifies the options parents have to teach the younger generations of prejudice and hatred, filling their minds with bias and pessimism from an early age. The enjambment employed by Noonuccal into “But I’ll tell you instead of brave and fine” reveals the decision made to inform her child of hope for the future. This critiques the capacity of hope for a better future as able to inspire change and promote reconciliation among those who have previously known prejudice towards each other. The antithesis of “When lives of black and white entwine” displayed by Noonuccal highlights the ultimate goal of eradicating prejudice from society through hope. This proves that society can reunite their humanity

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