The roles of Major Petkoff and Catherine in Arms and the Man

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Comment on the roles of Major Petkoff and Catherine in Arms and the


Major Petkoff and Catherine are typical secondary characters, with

funny occasional opinions and repetitive comments, such as those of

the “electric bell” or the so famous unique “library” in all Bulgaria.

They are characters that would normally be used to lower the tension

in different types of plays. Yet, Arms and the Man, is a comedy and

hence not many high-tension scenes are found. Their role additionally,

adds more humour to the play, especially in those dull scenes where

humour is expected to be used in order to break down the monologues,

to change the subject or merely to accelerate the pace by altering the

tone used.

Yet, their role is much more extensive. Catherine Petkoff for

instance, also supports her daughter with everything she says or does,

even to the point of lying to his husband about the “chocolate cream

soldier” and accepting a “refugee” in her house. Probably due to a

great and impressive mother-daughter relationship, yet, it is also

possible that Raina is constantly controlling her mother for her own

purposes, as she later accepts that she uses the “noble and the

thrilling voice” which her parents “believe in”. Either way, the role

Catherine is very clear; she is a supporting character.

Moreover, we can also appreciate through Catherine, why Raina is the

way she is, so conceded, as a direct result of her mother’s attitude.

It seems to some extent, that Raina is not permitted to grow up as she

was raised in a perfect ‘bubble’ which does not let her admire the

“real world”. Hence, she is forced to act and pretend to be somebody

she is not, in order to get what she wants.

Yet, Catherine appears to be shallower than Raina in respect to the

romantic ideas of war and heroism. At least Raina is conscious that

these ideas might have come from reading too much novels by “Byron and

Pushkin”, however, Catherine convinces her wrong. Moreover, Catherine

is a character that does not only believe in heroic acts and romantic

ideas, but is incredibly unaware that her husband is in the army due

to his economic position and not to his admirable skills in the “art

of war”. Furthermore, at the end of Act III, Catherine does not accept

the proposal of captain Bluntschli to marry Raina, as she wants to

maintain her “daughter's position” as the “Petkoffs and the Saranoffs

are known as the richest and most important families in the country.”

Thus, this attitude reflects how her ideals of romanticism include a

surplus amount of money.

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