The green juice recipe book

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The Green Juicing diet is an amazing 1–3 day guide to detox your body with juice recipes. Juices that feed your body all with nutrients, anti-oxidants phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals you need. In this book you will learn about your body, the function of your organs and what diet is most beneficial for you. Discover the affect of toxins, parabens, food additives on your body and your everyday life.
Find out what foods are beneficial to your body and why.
The amazing 1-3-day detox-diet plan is a healthy kick-start that is educational, entertaining, inspirational, and an overall dramatic boost to a healthy lifestyle…
Learn how to detoxify safely, feel good and achieve quick weight loss results. By changing a few habits in your diet you can easily maintain your new you.
“AMAZING, an enlightenment and education of our amazing bodies, and how to care for them... Thank you Oliver Michaels…”

Oliver Michaels was born in Newcastle England, who recently moved to North America where he now lives with his family.
Oliver has no MEDICAL degrees or NUTRITIONAL training what so ever...!
However, for the past 25 years he has suffered personally from wrong nutritional and medical diagnosis. He has endured 25 years of suffering with food intolerances, stomach cramps, digestion pains, acid indigestion, reflux, and skin flares.
This has resulted in years and sometimes intrusive medical testing and medication.
Oliver has been diagnosed with IBS, suspected duodenal ulcer, lactose intolerance and also suffered from the the affects of rosacea. He has had barium meals, ultra sound scans, CAT scans and recently 2010 had surgery for acute hydrophrenosis of the right kidney.
In Aug...

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...the fibres and then feed the live nutrients, vitamins, phytonutrient’s and minerals directly into your liver, then directly into your blood stream.
Juicing provides you an amazing healthy and healing affect on your whole body, also improving, soothing and aiding your digestive system.
You will eat a wider variety of greens than you ever have before but now with total ease…
Before you start this amazing life changing diet…. let me just ask you one question…. Can you remember the last time you had a plate of celery, spinach leaves, parsley, kale ginger root or Swiss chard? …..

At this point you will have successfully completed the Green Juice detox-diet and will feel the benefits discussed throughout this book. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this book and are able to make some of exciting recipes and even develop some of your own. See Chapter 9 &10.
Oliver Michaels

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