The “Austin Family” series follows Vicky Austin, Maggy Hamilton (who is an orphan), and Vicky's three siblings (John, Suzy, and Rob). This series follows Vicky around as she faces new things (love, grief, joy, and other difficulties) while she grows up. She even narrated her own picture book called “The Twenty-four Days Before Christmas”. The series is for young adults and children.
Vicky is the narrator of some of the novels in the series, and is the second child of the four Austin kids. She is an aspiring writer who is honing her chops by writing down her observations of the behaviors of her large family. Her older brother John is an astrophysicist, and her little sister Suzy has aspirations to be a doctor. This puts her at odds because all she wants to do is lead a life that is more philosophical and with more purpose. At times, she goes off on her own to be by herself. She is closest to her younger brother Rob. Her parents are Dr. Wallace Austin and Victoria Austin, who used to be a singer.
While Vicky narrates a lot of the books in the series, there are some novels that she is a secondary character so that other people from her family can narrate. One such novel is “The Young Unicorns” that stars Josiah “Dave” Davidson. That being said, she still appears in eight novels by L'Engle.
Much like the novel “A Wrinkle in Time”,
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An honorary uncle of the Austin family dies in a plane crash and shakes up things. The co-pilot on the plane died too, and the Austins take in his ten year old daughter. They find that she is a spoiled only child who had little family life, and very rarely saw her parents and was left with different governesses and nurses. Maggy is a bad influence on one child in particular, Suzy, who Maggy encourages to act up. The novel is made up of different events, divided into chapters, and Vicky comments on things like new
Of Greek descendant a chubby baby was born to Michael and Kristine Kounelis on the 21st of July, 1995. Of whom was the second born by just fifteen months to her sister, Savannah Kristine Kounelis. Aubrey Michelle Kounelis spent her young years growing up in a small cul-de-sac where warm summer days with her sister were spent splashing in the stream down the road. Gathering as much mud and snails as they could to put in their fish tank at home for more pets. The first time death visited young Aubrey was to take her pet frog away, Thumper, who mysteriously vanished from his aquarium, never again to be seen. Aubrey’s first love came at the left side of the house on the property line; there the most delicious and beautiful blackberries grew taller and bigger than Aubrey herself.
The Nolan family consists of four strong hearted people. The Nolan's are very unique for a family who lives in the slums of Brooklyn; they are a pretty decent family of four. Kate is the beautiful young mother of Francie and Neeley and the wife of Johnny. Kate holds a janitress job to keep her family together and from starving, she is basically the sole provider for the family. Johnny, Kate's drunk husband, is considered to be a good man, but he is nothing but a drunk who, has an off and on again job as a free lance singer/waiter. Their daughter, Francie, who is the main character of the book, is a very intelligent young woman. Francie always wants to do the best in everything that she tries. Last but not least is the youngest Nolan, Neeley. He is Francie's younger brother. He is also loved the most by his mamma. Neeley is Katies Favorite and this is quite obvious. The Nolan's are unique. They have hope that life will get better.
Working as a teacher serving at-risk four-year-old children, approximately six of her eighteen students lived in foster care. The environment introduced Kathy to the impact of domestic violence, drugs, and family instability on a developing child. Her family lineage had a history of social service and she found herself concerned with the wellbeing of one little girl. Angelica, a foster child in Kathy’s class soon to be displaced again was born the daughter of a drug addict. She had been labeled a troublemaker, yet the Harrisons took the thirty-hour training for foster and adoptive care and brought her home to adopt. Within six months, the family would also adopted Angie’s sister Neddy. This is when the Harrison family dynamic drastically changes and Kathy begins a journey with over a hundred foster children passing through her home seeking refuge.
The Book I chose to do for my book report is Live Original By: Sadie Robertson. She is one of the daughters of the Robertson Family, also known as the Duck Commander (Duck Dynasty) family. This book that she wrote is about how the duck commander teen keeps it real and stays true to her values. The Robertson family is a Christian family that lives in Louisiana, and they make products for people who hunt ducks. The show is a reality TV show, they have become really wealthy but they owe it all to God, and they trust in him completely. They have had many trials, one of the trials they faced was being asked not to pray before meals on the TV show, but there was no way they would agree to that. They have put their faith before fame and that’s something that’s really important. Sadie Robertson is 18 years old, and currently a senior in High School and graduates in 2016.
As a child, Judy had a large imagination; and loved to play. Judy always had an adoration of books; she relished the texture, scent, and everything about them. There was one thing though, Judy wanted a book about a child that she could relate to. When Judy was about ten years old, she had to leave her New Jersey home for Miami, Florida, along with her Mother, Nanny Mama, and David. They were going to Florida for the winter because the cold weather in New Jersey was bad for David's health. Doey had to stay in New Jersey to manage his dentist office. Judy wasn't so sure about Miami, plus she was worried about her father because he was forty-two and all of his older brothers had died at that very age. At first Judy wasn't so sure about living in Miami, it was so different. Judy soon made friends with a few girls that lived in the same apartment building as her. They did everything together. They hung out at the beach, did ballet lessons, and went to the same school. Judy left Miami and went back to New Jersey for the summer. The n...
The childhood of Frances Piper consists of inadequate love, loss of innocence and lack of concern, ultimately leading to her disastrous life. As a six year old child, she encounters several traumatic events, explicitly the death of her loved ones and the loss of her innocence. Over the course of one week, there have been three deaths, two funerals and two burials in the Piper family. “Frances was crying so hard now that Mercedes got worried. ‘I want my Mumma to come ba-a-a-a-ack.’”( McDonald 174). As a young child, there is nothing more upsetting than losing a mother. A family is meant to comfort each other to fulfill the loss of a loved one; however, this is not the case in the Piper family. Mercedes, only a year older than Frances, tries to console her even though she herself is worried. The loss of motherly love and affection has a tremendous impact on her future since now her sole guardian, James, expresses no responsibility towards her. Instead, he molests Frances on the night of Kathleen’s funeral to lessen the grief of his lost daughter. As a result “These disturbing experiences plague Frances with overwhelming feelings of low self worth and guilt that haunt h...
3) Melody Brooks: (The Main character of this book. Sister of Penny. Has a mom and a dad)
The film chronicles the histories of three fathers, and manages to relates and link their events and situations. First is Mitchell Stephens and his relationship with his drug-addict daughter. Second is Sam, and the secret affair he is having with his young daughter Nicole. He is somewhat of a narcissistic character because of his preoccupation with himself and pleasing himself, and his lack of empathy throughout the film for the others in the town. Third is Billy, who loves his two children so much that he follows behind the school bus every day waving at them. Billy is also having an affair with a married woman who owns the town’s only motel. On the exterior the town is an average place with good people just living their lives. But, beneath all the small town simplicity is a web of lies and secrets, some which must be dealt with in the face of this tragedy.
A breathtaking saga of a young girl’s tragic memories of her childhood. As with Ellen, Gibbons’ parents both died before she was twelve-years-old, forming the family. basis of the plot and themes of this novel. The fond memories she possessed of her mother and the harsh ones of her father are reflected in the thoughts and actions of Ellen. The simplistic and humble attitude that both Gibbons and Ellen epitomizes in the novel is portrayed through diction and dialogue.
Vicki grew up in a loving family. Her father described her as “an easy child” who only needed to be looked at the wrong way to known she had done the wrong thing. Not only that, but she was a helpful child, “deadest on being a teacher” from a very young age. Her grandparents included Alan’s father, Tom, who she remembered for buying her lollies from the Sunnycliffs shop. There was also Tom’s sisters, Margaret and Mima, who came up from Melbourne
Eva was the single mother of three kids. She was the matriarchal figure in her household, which did not only consist of her children, Pear, Plum, and Hannah and Hannah’s daughter Sula, but also many others who boarded in her house. There were three young boys, all named Dewey by Eva, who had arrived to the house at the same time. Eva knew that if she named them all the same name it would make them feel as though they were equally loved and cared about. Such name-calling created a positive camaraderie between them. Also in the boarding house resided a drunk, Tar Baby, and various newlyweds. Eva kept the whole house under control.
Granma reads books like Shakespeare and Byron. Along with learning academics, Little Tree learns the family trade: illegal whisky making. Together, Granpa and Little Tree concocted their high quality whiskey. Eventually, the state takes Little Tree away and places him in an orphanage where he is miserable and mistreated. Willow John, a family member and friend, feels Little Tree’s hardships through spirits and removed him for the orphanage. However, after Little Tree returns home, Willow John dies. Two years later, Granpa also dies from a fall. The next spring, Granma passes on as well leaving Little Tree to fend for himself at the age of nine. The book ends as the Great Depressions begins and Little Tree’s coming of
reunited again until Kitty became a nun in The Sacred Hearts Academy. Her half-brother died in
When The Council of Magical Creatures had a meeting, they decided to send the last four unicorns into hiding. They would be hidden among the humans to protect them from the evil wizard. The unicorns would be sent to Earth and Marshmallowland, a little rainbow shaped planet behind Pluto, would be destroyed. The Council thought their plan was brilliant and the unicorns would be safe, but they were wrong.
Aubery Tanqueray, a self-made man, is a Widower at the age of Forty two with a beautiful teenage daughter, Ellean whom he seems very protective over. His deceased wife, the first Mrs. Tanqueray was "an iceberg," stiff, and assertive, alive as well as dead (13). She had ironically died of a fever "the only warmth, I believe, that ever came to that woman's body" (14). Now alone because his daughter is away at a nunnery he's found someone that can add a little life to his elite, high class existence; a little someone, we learn, that has a past that doesn't quite fit in with the rest of his friends.