Little Tree Chapter Summary

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The Education of Little Tree by Forrest (Asa Earl) Carter tells the story of a five year old boy named Little Tree; after the death of his parents, he goes to live with his elderly grandparents. His grandmother, Granma, is a full Cherokee Indian while his grandfather, Granpa, is half Cherokee Indian. Throughout the book, Little Tree learns from his Granpa about the hardships of being a Cherokee. Granpa teaches Little Tree that they are deeply connected to and can speak with Mon-o-lah, that is Mother Earth. Through Little Tree’s childhood with his grandparents, he learns of “The Way”, the circle of life and how death repeats itself in nature. “They Way” states that you should only take what you need thus allowing for life to correctly …show more content…

Granma reads books like Shakespeare and Byron. Along with learning academics, Little Tree learns the family trade: illegal whisky making. Together, Granpa and Little Tree concocted their high quality whiskey. Eventually, the state takes Little Tree away and places him in an orphanage where he is miserable and mistreated. Willow John, a family member and friend, feels Little Tree’s hardships through spirits and removed him for the orphanage. However, after Little Tree returns home, Willow John dies. Two years later, Granpa also dies from a fall. The next spring, Granma passes on as well leaving Little Tree to fend for himself at the age of nine. The book ends as the Great Depressions begins and Little Tree’s coming of …show more content…

It also teaches the ways of the the Cherokee Indians. Granpa teaches Little Tree how to love others and to care for the earth. Through Granpa’s teaching, Little Tree is able to improve his understand of life. Little Tree’s Granpa also taught him how to act around strangers. Each chapter of this book shares a story from Little Tree’s life; each one teaches Little Tree a lesson. For example, Granpa taught Little Tree that by the tone of speech one says something and you can tell if they are mean or

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