Transforming the Nursing Profession: RWJF and IOM Initiative

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The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and Institute of Medicine (IOM) form a partnership in 2008 to launch a 2-year Robert Wood Johnson Foundation initiative in reaction to the nursing profession transformation need in order to meet the requirement of the changing needs health care delivery (IOM, 2010). In their partnership, the two organization agreed that in order to achieve health care that is effective and accessible, nurses need to be exceptional in providing health care, and have a leadership skills. A committee was elected by IOM on the RWJF initiative to come up with a report that will make recommendations for a proposal which will move nurses and nursing future into action (IOM, 2010).
The aim of this essay is to discuss the work of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative and the Institute of Medicine study that prompt the nursing future report, ascertain the significance of this report in relation to nursing education, practice, and workforce, also examine the function of state-based action coalitions, and how they promote the plan of future of nursing campaign for action.
Importance of this report
The committee of this organizations review the role of nurses, work environment, and educational level of nurses in its attempt to picture what nursing profession will be in the future. After deliberating on the situation of nursing, four key messages were developed by the committee which form the recommendation they made in their report (IOM, 2010). These messages includes: That nurses should practice according to their training and education. Nurses should achieve higher educational level and training through an improved education system that support continuous academic advancement. ...

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...from different institutions. The Advancing Nursing Education Team are focusing on the education of the nurses. They are developing a broad model to help every Registered Nurse to Baccalaureate degree programs in the state. The second initiative, Advancing Nursing Practice Team are focusing on nurses practicing to their full extent. They are working on a program to explain nurse’s role in the health care system.
The IOM report has lighten up the importance of nurses in the healthcare industry, and the special role they can play to move health care forward. Due to this significant roles of nurses in health care reform, nurses should be up to date in all aspects of healthcare, which will help them to meet the health needs of the diverse population. Nurses should collaborate with other health care members to provide coordinated and quality care to the patient.

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