The Wolf Of Wall Street Character Analysis

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The Wolf of Wall Street is a movie about Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who starts at a small stock broking company. Belfort’s character is easily seen as a charming guy who wants to live the lavish life to the fullest. Belfort starts as a rookie for in the stock broking industry where he works for Mark Hanna. Hanna’s character foreshadows some of the issues that Belfort will face later in the movie, for example, Hanna gives him tips on how to deal with the daily stresses of the job, such as masturbating several times a day, using cocaine and soliciting prostitutes. Forward a couple months later, Belfort gets his broking license and at the same time the stock market suffered a crash in which the broking company he works for goes out of business. However, Belfort moves on to start his own broking company selling penny stocks and realizes he could really make lots of money off of vulnerable people who want to get rich quick. As a result, he starts his own company, Stratton Oakmont, in which his meets his company partner, Donnie Azoff, who also introduces Belfort to cocaine. As Belfort grows insanely wealthy he becomes more power hungry and participates in many illegal deeds. Predominantly, securities fraud, in addition to the use …show more content…

None the less, his crazy behavior, mostly drug induced, leads him to be convicted and sent to prison. Although his illegal acts finally catch up with him, his punishment was not as harsh as it would have been if he would have been a blue collar, because once he is released from prison he lands right back on his feet by becoming a motivational speaker. On the other hand, can one say that Belfort continues right where left off with his success or has he started from square one all over

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