Film Analysis: The Wolf Of Wall Street

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The Wolf of Wall Street produced and directed by Martin Scorsese tells a story of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker living a luxurious life on Wall Street. Due to greed and corruption, Jordan falls into a life of crime and abusive activities. Belfort made millions of dollars by selling customers “penny stocks” and manipulating the market through his company, Stratton Oakmont, before being convicted of any criminal activity (Solomon, 2013). Jordan reveals behaviours and impulses all humans have, however, on an extreme level. This movie illustrates “why ethics is another tool whose importance cannot be overstated” (Delaney, 2014). Without ethics and morality, individuals can never truly live an honest and happy life. The Wolf of Wall Street reveals important information on human nature and the state of today’s capitalist world. It looks at greed and indulgence and how this taps into humans desires for wealth and pleasure-seeking activities. This film reveals infidelity is a byproduct of gender and power. Gender stereotypes and biasses exist in media. In most situations, women are associated with more negative stereotypes and their portrayals can “undermine their presence by being “hyper-attractive” or “hyper-sexual” and/or passive” (Smith, 2008). In The Wolf of Wall Street women are objectified. They are treated …show more content…

The stockbrokers have no remorse for selling customers bad products/stocks. Here lies the flaws of lack of empathy and hunger for wealth. They are seen as tools used to make profit. Along with Stratton Oakmont’s customers, the government, police officers, etc. are seen as legal authorities who are out to get Jordan instead of doing their job. Unlike their customers, these legal authorities are an obstacle Stratton Oakmont and more importantly Jordan must overcome in order to pursue/continue to pursue the “American

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