The Waste Land and Heart of Darkness

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Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad influenced the 20th century with its commentary on racism in society and the emptiness of human kind. The novel influenced T.S. Eliot through commentary on human kind and the influence can be found in his poems The Waste Land and The Hollow Men. The savagery of the human race is the main focus of Heart of Darkness. T.S. Elliot understands human kind as a primitive state that, in its most simple form, is a terrible existence. The novel’s savagery greatly influenced Eliot in the writing of these two poems.
In Heart of Darkness the character Marlow travels to the heart of Africa as a steamboat captain employed by “The Company,” a Belgian company that trades ivory in the Congo. When he arrives, Marlow finds the native people used as slaves for the hard labor involved in the ivory trade, and the white, European traders overseeing the slave labor—both groups savage and inhumane but on opposite ends of the spectrum. Marlow sees the simplistic inhumanity of both the white and black men involved in the ivory trade. Marlow views the natives as the simplest form of man and nearly inhuman in terms of intellectuality. The white men there have a different savagery about them. The dehumanization of the native people shows how brutal and evil even civilized man can be. Marlow is tasked with locating and retrieving the enigmatic trader Kurtz. Kurtz has gone rogue and now leads a tribe of natives that worship him as its god. He uses savagery to kill and steal ivory from any competing trader in his area. He is the company’s best trader, but his methods have become too inhumane; therefore, the company wants to take him out of the wild. Marlow has time to learn as much as he can about Kurtz as he is waitin...

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The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil

waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber un-

der an overcast sky - seemed to lead into the heart of an immense dark-


Conrad reflected on the history of civilization that the Thames has seen. London was the core of civilization, development of the wild, uncharted lands, around the world. From the Thames, came the colonization of the world for many years, but now the Thames lacks the old spark of civilization. The beacon of light that used to spread the reaches of civilized man is now leading to “an immense darkness”(Conrad). The Thames now represents the greed and evil aspirations of the inhabitants of London. “Now this river has become both for Conrad and Eliot an ignoble waterway of commerce. The glory that was England has vanished” (Mcconnell)

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