The Use Of Hyperbole In First Job By Iliana Roman

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When nothing is going right in life, what do you do? Do you just quit and hope for the best or do you pick yourself up and work even harder to succeed? Iliana Roman, a single mother of three children and an owner of a hair salon, kindles the message that individuals who face adversity can still persevere in life. According to Roman’s memoir “First Job”, it is never too late to turn your life around. At seventeen years, old Roman unexpectedly became pregnant. This event led to Roman’s life changing completely causing her to drop out of high school. She was nearly to the point of no return, she simply could not hold down a proper job, and the only way to support herself and her child is working three to four odd jobs every week. Roman presents her message of persevering in life by incorporating hyperbole, repetition, and pathos. Additionally, Roman presents extensive amounts of hyperbole to create pathos within her memoir to illuminate her message that you must dedicate yourself to your goals in order to achieve them. Roman exaggerates by stating, “you gotta go your way, I gotta go my way” (816). Here, she gets extreme on how it is either one way or another. …show more content…

Not everyone can have a perfect beginning, if you took the wrong path in your life, just reroute your roads, but never change your destination. When facing a exhausting situation, it is okay to break down or take a break. But it is never okay to completely give up. Roman shows us this message through her own personal story, she wants us to know, if it means restarting everything, then so be it. If everything was simple, there would be no such things as dream. It is human nature to throw in the towel when you are stuck in a problematic situation, do not stop, persevere and bring out the best of

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