The Upside Down Kingdom Summary

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Analysis of the Upside-Down Kingdom Jesus taught us many lessons in his short time here on earth. They were invaluable lessons. However, many choose to ignore His teachings, or act as though they do not fully apply to them. Donald B. Kraybill wrote his book, The Upside-Down Kingdom, to analyze the core of Jesus’ teachings. He makes clear how important it is to practice religious principles that Jesus taught, and understand and fulfill them in connection with the poor and disadvantaged. This paper will examine those principles discussed in relation to the poor and those who are considered outsiders.
The Kingdom of Got announced by Jesus was a new order of things that looked upside-down in the midst of Palestinian culture in the …show more content…

Jesus does not express complete disapproval of all wealth and possessorship. However, he does castigate regarding greed, and makes his displeasure known. No slave can serve two masters …show more content…

The priest, who is a “man of God”, did not stop. Another man walked by the injured man, and although he was a fellow Jew he did not stop. Finally, a man riding by on his donkey did stop and administered aid. He was a Samaritan, and he was thought to be the least likely person to stop and help. Because he was considered beneath everyone else, does that mean he would not stop and offer assistance? In the upside-down kingdom, it is those who reach out and show kindness, love and think of others before themselves that are held in the highest regard. Jesus is telling us that no matter who we are, what religion we practice or neighborhood we live in, we need to love one another. This is one of the most important principles that Jesus teaches us. By following the teachings of the Messiah, we will be doing what God commanded us, and have eternal

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