The Twin Experimants

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Of the millions of people who lived in camps during the Holocaust, there were about two thousand twins who were experimented on. They were the pride of a German man who worked at Auschwitz from 1943-1945. His name was Dr. Josef Mengele. He was researching human genetics and diseases. He liked this one certain group more than he liked the rest though. He would always handpick them out so he could do research on them and their family history. Being a twin in Auschwitz was worse that working in a camp, because they were separated from their families, experimented on, and brutally murdered. The way to Auschwitz was always a train ride but after that, the twins’ lives separated from the rest. The train unloaded onto a sorting platform, where an Auschwitz doctor sorted them. One doctor that helped sort was Dr. Josef Mengele. He worked no more than any other doctor, but he would appear while off-duty to try to find twins or people with other physical deformities (“Josef Mengele” Holocaust Museum par.7). Directly after they were taken away, they were treated very well. They were forced to take a shower, but they got to keep their own clothes and hair. They also had to fill out a form about their family history and basic facts about their health. Since most of these children now had no families, Dr. Josef Mengele acted as a father figure for them. He would interact with the children, and talk to them. Sometimes he even played with them. He often gave them candy or chocolates too. In this part of the camp, he was known as Uncle Mengele (Rosenberg par.12-14). The twins were in a different part of the camp than the rest of the prisoners, and they were treated differently too. Regular prisoners were overcrowded in their three-tier bunks made ... ... middle of paper ... ... 2014. Web. 01 Feb. 2014. . "Josef Mengele." Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2014. Web. 02 Feb. 2014. . "Josef Mengele." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 10 June 2013. Web. 02 Feb. 2014. . Rosenberg, Jennifer. "Mengele's Children: The Twins of Auschwitz." 20th Century History., 2014. Web. 01 Feb. 2014. . Savage, Cindy. "Holocaust Twins' Survival Story." The 700 Club. The Christian Broadcasting Network, 2014. Web. 03 Feb. 2014. .

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