The Transition of the Grading Policy and its Repercussion

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School districts spread all over the world are now following the letter or number grading policy. This antiquated policy might be seemed to be old-fashion in some extent, but this trend has been descending throughout the period. This former grading policy is still being applied to schools in present day. However, the advent of new grading policy that merely states either of “pass” or “fail,” it would not only becloud students and their parents who are accustomed to the old grading policy but also would blur the grading criterion. It will also ultimately discourage the passion of students to raise up their grade. It is fairly manifest that many students are falling behind their course and become dreadful as they see exact and somehow ruthless number that represents what they’ve earned. However, as they repent by realizing the reality of their educational productivity, it could enhance their flaw and be motivational from what they’ve experienced in the past. Present day’s social structure is dearly depending on the hierarchy and this new born grading policy doesn’t seem to be fit in ...

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