Grade retention, better known as “staying back”, “being held back” or “repeating”, has been the topic of much debate within the educational system. The controversy which surrounds this long-standing issue has been reinforced by such topics as the recent endorsement of academic standards. Research indicates that “the rate of retention has increased by approximately 40% in the last 20 years with as many as 15% of all American students held back each year and 30-50% held back at least once before ninth grade” (Dawson, 1998). These discouraging statistics pose copious problems within a school system. The difficulties can be appreciated at the organizational level, as well as inside the classroom and, most troubling, within the individual students. The consequences, both positive and negative, reverberate throughout the school system. Grades retention is an issue which requires a prodigious amount of examination and should be considered carefully and thoroughly.
Formally, grade retention is defined as the practice of requiring a student who has been in a given grade level for a full school year to return at that level for a subsequent year (Jackson, 1975). Unofficially, the practice is employed as a tool to enhance the academic or developmental growth for students who are unable to meet the curriculum requirements due to a variety of reasons. These reasons can include decreased cognitive functioning, physical immaturity, social-emotional difficulties and failure to pass standardized assessments. A child may be considered for retention if he has poor academic skills, is small in stature, is the youngest in the class, has moved frequently, has been absent repeatedly, does poorly on prescreening assessments or has limited English-language skills (Robertson, 1997). Additionally, the typical profile of a retained child is more likely to reveal an elementary school-aged student who is a black or Hispanic male with a late birthday, developmental delay, attentional problems, low socioeconomic status, single-parent household with a parent who either does not or cannot intervene on behalf of the child (Robertson, 1997; Mattison, 2000). Also seen in retained children are the predictive health factors of hearing and speech impairments, low birth weight, enuresis and exposure to cigarette smoke within the home (Byrd...
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...ommended, what should parents do? ERIC
Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Champaign, IL.
Parker, Dennis R. (2001). Social promotion or retention? Leadership, 30 (4),12-16.
Jackson, G. (1975). The research evidence on the effects of grade retention. Review of
Educational Research, 45, 613-635.
Holmes, C. T. (1989). Synthesis of recent research on nonpromotion: A five-year follow-up.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American education research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Natale, J. A. (1991). Rethinking grade retention. Educational Digest, 56 (9), 30-34.
Slavin, Robert E., Karweit, N., & Wasik, B. Preventing early school failure: What works?
Educational Leadership, 50 (4).
Darling-Hammond, Linda. (1998). Avoiding both grade retention and social promotion. The
School Administrator, 48-53.
Byrd, Robert S., & Weitzman, Michael L. (1994). Predictors of early grade retention among children in the United States. Pediatrics, 93 (3), 481-488.
Mattison, Richard E. (2000). School Consultation: A review of research on issues unique to the school environment. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolscent Psychiatry,
Our education system is failing and in his essay “What Our Education System Needs Is More F’s” Carl Singleton writes that nothing else will right the ship or fix this issue except for his proposed solution which is to simply fail more students. As a matter of fact “by the dozens, hundreds, thousands, even millions” (Singleton 1) is how he describes the failing grades should be distributed. He claims that illegitimately passing students has existed for the past two decades and even implies that it stems further back than that with many teachers in the school system today “who never should have been certified in the first place.”(Singleton 1).
Education." Midwest Quarterly 44, no. 2 (Winter2003 2003): 211. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed April 11, 2014).
Giving students a grade that they have not earned hinders the youth’s future educational success. A number of schools are no longer giving a grade of zero on assignments, tests, and exams completed by students. While other school districts continue to give students the grade that is adequate for the work they have done or have not completed. Giving students the grade that equals their work is designed to show students where they need to improve. Many school boards want to stop giving out zeros for work that hasn’t been turned in and give a grade that rages around the “D” area keeping children from falling behind in their classes. By allowing student to pass through the school system the educational board is raising their graduation and success
In today’s society we feel the need to be graded in order to learn. The topic of the grading system has sparked three essays, by three different authors, about the pros and cons of the grading system. First, Jerry Farber, professor at University of California at San Diego, wrote A Young Person’s Guide to the Grading System (333). Next is Steven Vogel, professor at Denison University, who wrote Grades and Money (337). The last two authors in this compilation are Stephen Goode and Timothy W. Maier. They both are journalists for Insight on the News. While each of these authors have their own point of view on the grading system, all three essays talk about how being graded affects learning.
Christianity and Islam are the largest religions in the world. Thirty-three percent of the world 's population are Christian, twenty-one percent Muslim. The world 's two largest religions have much in common, but they are also different in some crucial ways.
There are four major differences between Islam and Christianity. The first one being that Christians believe in the Holy Trinity. This means God takes on three forms, the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. In the Islamic religion they believe in only one God, they call Alla...
Christianity and Islam are most dominant religions worldwide. Statistics show that thirty-three percent of the population is Christian and twenty-one percent is Muslim. Thought they share many similarities in origin and mirrored images in their sacred texts, the two beliefs hold several key differences.
Christian and Islam are the most prominent world religions that are being practiced nearly on every continent around the earth. Christianity is a form of religion that took its name from a word that is used to describe Jesus. This word is a Greek word that is Christ and in Hebrew it is the same as the statement messiah which means the anointed one. Islam also is a form of religion whose its followers are called Muslims. The word Islam means submission that signifies the obedience to the ruler. Christianity tradition and Islam religions differ in terms of the founder and time, the area of origin, monotheistic or polytheistic plus the sacred texts, major God(s),clergy, and sacred ideas/symbols in addition to goal of life, moral code, and
When students arrive at university, professors expect them to understand the material to an exceptional standard. The problem is that grade inflation is occurring more regularly in secondary schools and universities across the country and when these students’ marks are sent to universities or colleges, the student may be given multiple scholarships for something that he/she should not have earned. Grade inflation is conceived between both students and teachers, meaning that the students are given higher grades when they have inadequate learning, reading, and verbal skills, while the teachers do not have to grade as many papers as they should in the real curriculum. There have been multiple examinations that have confirmed that grade inflation is very real and still occurs today. Students seem to think that they do not need to put forth much effort in school to do well and grade inflation encourages this thought.
2. Testing and Grade Retention. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
Although both Christianity and Islam have similarities one big belief sets them apart greatly, the belief of Jesus Christ. Now, both believe that Jesus Christ was at one time alive and both believe that he was a sinless man. However, Christianity believes that not only was Jesus a sinless man but he was fully man and fully God. Islam, on the other hand, believes that Jesus was a great prophet, but nonetheless he was just a man. Christianity also believes that Jesus Christ died for their sins and that through faith in Jesus Christ alone will promise you eternal life in
The basic beliefs of both Christians and Muslims are practically the related. Both the Christian and Islamic religion believes that a God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Mary exist ("Basic Beliefs"). In addition, both religions believe and agree on the life of Abraham and the stories of Jesus, David, and Moses.
On the surface Christianity and Islam have their very obvious differences, but at their core they hold many similarities. Both religions have monotheistic beliefs, meaning they believe that there is only one God. Both religions also have similar guidelines to their respective religion, The Five Pillars and The Ten Commandments. They do though; have different ways of worship, different holy cities and also different sacred writings.
The purpose of Chapter two is to review literature related to the major variables within the study. Two literature reviews were conducted. The first literature review examined the retention rates and low standardized test scores on Students taking Middle School Math. This follows the purpose of the conceptual framework, the Keller’s ARCS model(1987). Here, there will be literature related to inform the study that is related to the research design, intervention design, and measurement instruments. Lastly there will be a section on the Conceptual Framework.
The biggest religions on earth have many differences, but surprisingly they have a lot in common. Those two religious are Islam and christianity. Around the world about two billion people, of many different denomations accept Christianity as their religion. About 1.57 billion people accept Islam as their religion.