Analysis Of Michael Thomsen's Article: Should We As A Society Using A Standardized Grading System

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The article written by Michael Thomsen addresses the issue: should we as a society continue using a standardized grading system. Thomsen includes many reasons supporting his ultimate conclusion that we should not continue with any system of standardized grades. However, the reasons he uses to support his conclusion are affected by significant ambiguity which weakens the overall argument. This ambiguity begins within the first paragraph of the article where Thomsen states that “SAT reading scores are at a 40-year low”. Thomsen fails to clarify what is meant by the word “low” in this context, as it could mean either slightly below previous years, or much lower than past scores. If the scores are only slightly below the previous years …show more content…

In this case “rigid” could mean either a set and firm foundation for education, or it could mean unwilling to face any change in policies. The former definition could lead people away from Thomsen’s conclusion as it simply implies that education system has a foundation, which is something that many people would accept and possibly consider common knowledge. The latter definition however comes closer to Thomsen’s desired conclusion as it shows the modern education industry as something that does not want to change even if it would help the students within it; this definition would lead an audience to believe that something needs to change, possibly leading them to agree with the idea that we need to move away from grades. Thomsen’s argument provides them with an immediate issue that they can address in order to feel like something is being changed. The word “judgmental” is also ambiguous here as it can refer to judging the work the students produce as would be expected in an educational system based on grading, or it could refer to judging the character of the student based on the grades they receive. The former would not lead to Thomsen’s conclusion as it is simply the process of a grade based educational system, but the latter would cause an audience to agree that grades are …show more content…

In this context a “more creative” essay could be one that is further developed and more intricate than a common essay. If this is the case, then it is likely due to the student’s education and may be a result of learning without grades as Thomsen would like the reader to believe. However, “more creative” could also mean an essay with a more imaginative topic. If this were the case, then it is likely nothing more than a variation between the imagination from student to student and not something that they were taught, meaning that even traditional grade-based students could have written the

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