The Theme Of Conflict In The Poem Telephone Conversation

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How do the poems ‘Telephone Conversation’ by Wole Soyinka, ‘War Photographer’ by Carol Ann Duffy and ‘A Mother in a Refugee Camp’ by Chinua Achebe explore the theme of conflict?
Conflict is a topic that is often associated with negative connotations. It evokes emotions such as sadness or fear and can make the reader empathetically experience pain or loss. Examples of conflict include war and racism. The poems ‘Telephone Conversation’ by Wole Soyinka, ‘War Photographer’ by Carol Ann Duffy and ‘A Mother in a Refugee Camp’ by Chinua Achebe all explore the detrimental effects of conflict. The poems use literary devices such as alliteration, sibilance, metaphors and sensual imagery to convey their ideas. This essay will examine how these poems explore the theme of conflict.
Semantic choice in the poems ‘A Mother in a Refugee Camp’ and ‘War Photographer’ evokes the feeling of loss from the reader by conveying images of death. In ‘A Mother in a Refugee Camp’, the phrase “tiny grave” indicates that war brings death to even the youngest and innocent children. The feeling of loss caused by conflict is present in the mother’s heart because she loses her child. “In ‘War Photographer’, the words “cries of this man’s wife” represents the soldier’s wife crying alongside while the soldier was being shot. The soldier’s wife experiences the feeling of loss. This links conflict to these feelings of loss and sorrow.
Also, semantic choice in the poems causes the reader to feel the pain that conflict causes. In ‘War Photographer’, the “reader’s eyeballs prick with tears,” conveys that the images of war and death from the newspaper make the reader feel pained, and evokes sadness. The word “prick” is a sharp word, suggesting that the reader feels a shar...

... middle of paper ... the case of Iraq, to suffer at the hands of corrupt higher authority. However, the tone switches in the last stanza to a peaceful one, when the child reaches up and the “fruit fell in his arms.” The end of the poem conveys that when you let go of the past, which is full of conflict and suffering, the future can hold improvements.
In conclusion, poetry can effectively capture and present the detrimental effects of conflict. The overall negative opinion towards conflict can be further strengthened using techniques discussed previously, such as semantic choice and sensual imagery. The poems ‘War Photographer’ and ‘A Mother in a Refugee Camp’ explore the effects of war and ‘Telephone Conversation’ explores racism. Finally, to sum up the poems, conflict, in any form, has very harmful effects towards humans and the world and the world would be better without conflicts.

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