Literary Elements Ilustrated in Chinua Achebe's Poem, Refugee Mother and Child and in Kassabova's Refugees

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In the poem Refugee mother and child written by Chinua Achebe and Refugees written by Kapka Kassabova, an important idea of loss is conveyed by using interesting language techniques such as simile, alliteration and metaphor. They both link to the idea of the abstract loss and Achebe, itself, links to physical loss. As the catholic dominated province of Biafra attempted independence from the Muslim dominated central state the civil war broke in 1967. Achebe writes from a 3rd person perspective as he observes the overall mood of sadness and despair as mothers watch, grieving, at the imminent loss of their children. He links to both physical and abstract loss. The loss of a child and the subsequent sadness of death convey the important idea of loss. One interesting technique used in the poem to show an important idea of loss is a simile in "Now she did it like putting flowers on a tiny grave". A shocking image is formed as the mother prepares him for his funeral. The mother is watching her child dying and her little acts of love and kindness are like the ritual of putting flowers on ...

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