The Struggle between Hercules and Hera

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During the time of hercule’s birth, Zeus it clear that a child of Perseus, would rule Mycenae.
Hera, because she was jealous, persuaded the goddess of childbirth, to hold back Alcmena's delivery, and made it that Eurystheus, also a descendant of Perseus, is going to be arrived already seven months old.
Heracles lost the throne of Mycenae because of this. Heracles was eight months old when, Hera, wanting him to die, sent two serpents to him. But with his strength he killed them with his bare hands (Hercules 1)
Hercules's family is from Argos, since his mother was Alcmene, daughter of the Mycenaean king Electryon. Alcmene married her cousin Amphitryon whose father Alcedes was a son of Perseus and Andromeda. (Meet Hercules)
Hercules is a Greek divine hero and the son of Zeus. He has several godly half-siblings such as Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, and Hephaestus. (Hercules Siblings?)
Hercules was a semi-God from ancient Greek mythology. He was recognized for his courage, bravery, strength and sexuality. He isn't exactly remembered for his intelligence, but he sometimes was described as not being very witty. (Mythology Study Guide)
Hercules is one of the greatest Greek heros of all time. Hercules was strong and has been since birth. In actuality he is the strongest man who has ever existed, so he thinks of him himself as godly. He is half-god because he is a son of Zeus. Hercules showed his strength from early age, he once wrestled a snake who was bothering him.
He was born and raised on earth by his mortal mom Alcemene. His childhood was harsh and he didn't fit in with others because he was half-god. (Hercules - GREEK MYTHOLOGY)
Hercules’ as a young child was watched by the best of the best. His father made sure h...

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...obviously gets the dog and takes the creature back to Mycenae, which made Eurystheus jump in jar to get away from the dog.
(Hercules -- Ancient History Encyclopedia)
After his quest Hercules married Deianeira, the daughter of King Oeneus. They didn’t live happily surprisingly. In their travels Hercules and Deianeira crossed a river widen by floods. Hercules crossed successfully but his wife was left to be boated across by a boatman, who tried to rape her. Hercules killed the boatman with one of the arrows that was dipped into Hydra's poison blood.
When Hercules put the shirt on, Hydra’s poison blood began to affect him, ripping Hercules' flesh to the bone. Hercules didn’t want to die, so he built “a funeral pyre.” He laid down on the lion skin cloak he spread on the pyre. Fire burned his mortal body, and his immortal body was sent above.
(Hercules - The Dome News)

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