The Sociological Causes Of Criminology

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One of the biggest concerns of criminology is the reason why the criminals commit the crimes that they do. Whether it’s due to a mental disease or genetics. Even if the criminal is healthy and has been planning it for months analyzing the consequences and results. Could the society that the criminal has grown up in ever be at fault causing him to act the way he or she did? People have been trying to find the reason that criminals commit these crimes for many years, and the numbers of theories that have been come up with looks to be the same number of criminologists. A criminologist is “one who studies the biological and sociological causes and consequences of crime and criminal behavior (such as the effects of mental defects and social environment).” Their job is to figure out why criminals acted the way they did and how to change the person in order to not repeat it, in other words rehabilitate them. Rehabilitation teaches the prisons to live a better life when let out instead of being punished in prison. When a criminal commits a crime the reason for the action is a very important part of the case and after the prisoner is behind bars, then they can find a solution for the crime to not be repeated by the same convict.
There are many reasons people change from living an ordinary and normal life to people behind bars that are not having a good time. The biggest reason though is the way the child has grown up, how their parents or guardian has raised him or her, because child abuse is a leading cause to delinquency.
Other reasons could be anger or jealousy. For example a girl named Maxine Breakspear has been convicted of murder at the age of 18. When she was in jail interviewed by a reporter, the reporter described her as a hea...

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.... Also the number of teens had increased and they are more likely to commit crimes than adults because they are not as mature and do not take life as seriously.
The larger the city does not always mean the more crimes are going to be committed though. The total crime does not increase when people move to larger cities and they are not at risk because most crimes such as murder are caused from conflict of two or more people, which could happen anywhere depending on whether the area is filled with poverty or how the people in the area are raised.

The graph on the previous page explains how the number of crimes increase as the community population increases although when it gets to 1,000,000 people or over its goes back down. The city with the largest population’s violent crime rates goes down by 23%, and its its property crime and vehicle thefts decrease by 32%.

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