The Slave Monologue

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In the distant ruins among the unknown, A depth of light lacked, as the ruin’s warlord commanded an endless amount of slaves. However, he did have some followers. Those followers were the guards. They had leather belts holding a variety of weaponry. You see long ago, in the deep midst of the not so abolished ruins. Calva discovered the hidden village. The village was taken down by Calva’s men, and nothing would ever be the same, At least not for a while. A treacherous man he is, ruthless some say. A man who controls an endless amount of slaves is not a man to me. He consecutively lashes the slave’s backs with a leather whip as cold as his heart. This is not a man to me. I am Raj one of those disrespected slaves. I have scars and bruises covering …show more content…

As I passed many terrains such as the desert, rainforest, tundra, and grasslands. As I finally landed among the towering statue, I was amazed at the sight of this. I repeated the riddle once more. The antidote is at the top but at the bottom not outside but inside, but it lies in the statue of Zeus. As I looked at the mighty statue, it was at the top but also inside the statue. I examined the statue and I looked closer at the head. Then I realized the mouth. It was at the top and inside. I flew up and retrieved the canister. I then speared through the air and arrived at the cave a while later. I let out the canister and Caesar’s voice boomed out one again. As Calva found this a triumphant day, he was wrong. As he stepped between the rubble, a gust of wind passed. As Calva looked at me in disbelief, he began to run. As I raised my wings and gave them one big flap. However, I only expected it to knock him over. However, instead of a tornado of fire let out, and he vanished. As I stepped out on the surface of the ruins the people waited for Calva’s command. I let out a

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