The Seven Deadly Sins In Slugworth And Veruca Salt

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The Seven Deadly Sins are a concept from Medieval Europe that lay out a guideline for how a person should behave. These sins are lust, greed, envy, wrath, gluttony, sloth, and pride The first two sins that will be discussed are envy and greed, which are embodied in the characters Slugworth and Veruca Salt. Although we never actually see the real Slugworth in the film, it is clear he envies Willy Wonka and the success he has had in the candy business. He manifests his envy by sending corporate spies into Wonka’s factory to steal trade secrets so that he has the capability to make the same candy Wonka is making. This corporate espionage causes Wonka to fire everyone and shut his factory down. However, this does not stop the determined and envious

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