The SaberTooth Curriculum

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The SaberTooth Curriculum is a curriculum that applies the survival needs of the communities according to the changes that they have to adapt to (The outcomes based education principle). I will be discussing the universal principles of the Saber-Tooth curriculum from the given extract. According to New Fist in the Chellean age, the survival requirements where; fish-grabbing with bare hands, wooly-horse clubbing and tiger scaring with fire (Peddiwell & Benjamin, 1939). Circumstances like the ice age forcefully changed this curriculum for survival. The tribesman, during that time had to develop a new curriculum method fit for essential survival.

Peddiwell (1939) suggests that from the Chellean age until now this curriculum always had its own development outcomes (learning outcomes and assessment standards) that need to be achieved before one can proceed to a higher level. This curriculum is still applicable in our educational system today. The survival requirements that needs to the adapted according to the OBE are; knowledge, quality, social transformation and efficiency. NCS aims to prepare learners for everyday life, when they have completed school. The link between all this curriculums is that all of them are focusing on equipping the learner for survival.

In this paragraph I will be exploring the different curriculum approaches advocated by Tyler, Stenhouse and Freire. I will also discuss the link between these three scholars with the OBE, NCS, CAPS and the Saber-tooth Curriculum. Ralph Tyler believed that one of the most vital aspects that need to be taken to consideration when designing a curriculum is that effective learning should take place. Hewett (2010:20) states that Tyler has four steps that should be followed wh...

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Peddiwell, J., & Benjamin, H. (1939). The Saber-tooth curriculum. In J. Peddiwell, The Saber-tooth curriculum. New York: The McGrow book company.

peddiwelll, J. (1939). The Saber-tooth curriculum. New York: The Mc Graw book company.

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