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The role of teacher teacher
The relationship between school and community
Importance Of Education In Society
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What to say of this whole jaunt, when words flee into the past, vanishing as any experience does, in wisps of memories that surely happened, but are already starting to jointly mix and match, leaving impressions more than the facts, which were always in question anyway. Judgments aside, it was good, enlightening, life transforming, eye-opening, awe-inspiring, heart-warming, endearing, enchanting, ever-surprising, and a whole lot of other '___ing' words which could keep streaming out if I let them. I ask myself if I understand, or rather if I understood, what exactly went down and truthfully I have to say no. I was open to letting the experience grow on me, and it did. I did fall into a very valuable self-examination while there, looking at my own chosen profession and seeing tremendous validation, but for reasons that I had not previously examined. I noticed how much I was affected by students calling me “Sensei”, my teacher, a verbal recognition and acknowledgment of the honor and value placed on the title “Teacher”, something that I do not think I have yet experienced in my own home country. The very nature of either being a teacher or having a teacher suggests, in English, a type of subjugation with which Americans, in particular, the most individualistic citizens in the world, do not rest easy. And yet, that is obviously not the underlying meaning inherent in the term. The reverence is not assigned to the individual as much as to the honoring of learning itself, and therefore, by extension, the bearer of the world of knowledge, study and intellectual pursuit. We come from a culture that seemingly only pays lip service to the timelessness of the avocation, and this is mirrored in the downward progression of interest expressed ...
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...is killing us and education along with it. This is an absolutely oxymoronic state of affairs because education, in whatever form it takes, is the only way out of the morass. All I can expostulate from this is that it is obligatory for each of us in our stand-alone individualized schools to take seriously the establishment of a dynamic community of learning that is modeled and rewarded by the greater community as a whole. This type of community should, in itself, be self-perpetuating and thereby produce the type of student graduate who is out to tackle the world with a real set of skills that match the needs of our constantly changing reality. It is easy to imagine that a learning environment as envisioned will easily attract both students who want to learn and teachers who want to teach, flinging a fist high in the air, with a celebration of achievement and success.
...ntegration of student-faculty conferences, educational facilities will become places full of smiling, bright scholars. As a current student in high school, it is very easy to see these issues in the education system. Each day I walk the halls beside exhausted zombies who debate whether they should use their lunch periods to get math help in the library or sacrifice a club so they could read a chapter of anatomy that is not even relative to what they talk about in class. Due to the ever-increasing competition and subsequent elevation in performance standards, kids’ academic and emotional prosperity is only going to get worse. When I am an adult and have children, there is nothing more that I would love to see in their long drives through high school than an improvement in the education system, so that they would not have to struggle through school my peers and I did.
How will this growing problem be fixed, not only in the United States but the world as well? One important action is to continue the effort to improve schools worldwide. Schools in poorer areas of districts would benefit from a greater number of better trained teachers and faculty. Other actions to help improve schools would be to add more leadership and extracurricular activities, encourage students to focus and stay in school, and making things such as school lunch and recess better. It is important to have students enjoy being at school and enjoy learning, otherwise they'll lose intere...
The poem “Students,” by Tom Wayman and the story, “Crow Lake,” by Mary Lawson presents two teachers who cope with the same difficulties of teaching. Although the teachers are faced with identical circumstances, their resolutions for the problem vary. Wayman, in the poem, and the narrator in the story both fails to make connection with their students, however, Wayman understands his students’ behavior while the narrator refuses to communicate and simply gives up on teaching.
If I were to walk down town and ask the average passerby what a school was they would probably describe something along the lines of “a place you can go to learn” (Passerby). This statement is technically true however “learn” is a very broad definition meaning to acquire knowledge or skills through experience, study, or teaching. When the average passerby says learn we can assume they are, for the most part, describing a teacher delivering knowledge to their students. This is how we as a society define learning. I would hazard that learning this definition is not the definition we should use. If what I am suggesting is true our school system is tragically misusing arguably the most important years of someone’s life. This is because they are learning not learning.
Dr. Seuss wrote, “You’re off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. So get on your Way”. The role of the early childhood educator, while rewarding, can sometimes feel as is you are climbing a mountain. Educators have to consider how to implement curriculum, instruction, management, and technology in the classroom. Educators also have to provide an environment where all children feel safe and nurtured. When creating a course of action, educators have to consider their role as well as the role of the student, parent, and community.
We can all agree, educators and future educators alike, that teaching students is so much more than just presenting information to them. There is more to learning than only speaking. We’ve all had those teachers who were brilliant in their subject area, but not brilliant in making the students know the information. These are not true teachers; they are only smart. They teach in one way only, and doesn’t believe in individualized instruction, even though we all know that “low-income students and students of color tend to feel less “connected” to their schools than affluent and Anglo students, and that older students feel less connected than younger ones” (Schaps). As a future educator, sometimes I fear that I will become like one of these teachers, and I want to make sure that each of my students enjoy coming in class to learn, and is able to apply what they’ve learned to their unique lives. So for this inquiry project, I’ve decided to focus on classroom community. I believe that every great teacher establishes this concept in his/her classroom; without this concept, learning cannot happen. In this paper, I will define classroom community, discuss different ways to implement it in every classroom, and show the results of making an effort to keep it in your classroom.
...her ups, and then once their ideas of education update, so can school systems, then teachers themselves. Maiers “Keys to Student Engagement” shows the raw potential that school systems already have. It also shows that students need the drive and ambition to succeed. Tristan’s article on edutopia provides ideas that are already in motion. His ideas and tips have already started to work in public high school in his community. With the guidance and vision of these three authors public school issues could cease to exist. Even though there’s a lot involved getting administrators (and some teachers) on board, it is possible, and in the near future, a reality.
We see students learning in movies as well as television shows. We also learn ourselves by experiences. The movie Dangerous Minds is movie about the educational system and an ex-Marine. In the movie LouAnne, “finds herself confronted with a classroom of tough, sullen teenagers, all from lower-class and underprivileged backgrounds, involved in gang warfare and drug pushing, flatly refusing to engage with anything”(Smith). These students are under privileged in many was that do not involve school, but they are not in the best environment to learn. The teacher finds a way to connect to the kids to be able to keep her students engaged in the curriculum that is standard for all students. Not all teachers or educational employees are able to keep their students engaged on the top at hand without technology and other resources at hand. The lack of money because of budget cuts in school districts across the country students are learning less and not getting the supplies and the course they desire. This then leads to the loss of interests in school. School is a healthy place for kids and young adults to learn and be social. But all though students are healthy in the social aspect or most of them anyways, students are not healthy in their everyday diets. Students at high school and even at elementary level have parents that struggle to get by. Students rely on many things that the school supplies such as cheap lunches and classroom
Student’s lives outside of classrooms are rapidly changing but their classrooms stay the same. The era of education should change as generations change and evolve. Furthermore, keeping classrooms in the same early era will not help all students learn. One of the main things that makes up one’s intelligence is their intellectual habits. Intellectual habits are what makes people unique in their own ways because it allows every individual to create their own virtues. This is argued by Cathy Davidson in her book “Project Classroom Makeover”; Davidson explains how the educational system needs to change. She argues that students are not interested in learning anymore because the learning system is the same even thought our world is changing. We need
Is it finally time to reinvert formal education in America? For centuries formal education in this country have been based on hierarchy, standardization and the system of “one-size-fits-all”. This form of education also prioritizes expertise and specialization while ignoring the obvious benefits of crowdsourcing. While this form of education might help some students, it also puts students who have difficult time with standardized tests at risk of failing or dropping out of school. Each human is unique in their own way and it’s time for society to gain the confidence to reinvent the education system that has failed many bright students who didn’t fit into the system. In the article “Project Classroom Makeover” by Cathy Davidson, the author
One of the biggest systems that must be devised is one that transfers knowledge across generations, therefore it comes to no surprise that we have an established public school system whose intent is to educate every child without extra price, even going so far as to cover transportation and food for those who're unable to cover it. Yet the state has set the program in such a way where students are treated more like machines in an assembly line being injected with facts and tests. Students run through different courses with the same systematic approach found in the 1920's factory lines. Every child is for the most part treated as if they were different bodies with the same mental intellect. There is little room for creativity, petty tolerance for individualism, and zero understanding of how the world is changing around us.
In our society now education is in a state of distress. It has become increasingly difficult to find a way for the education system to work for a variety of students; therefore it has been geared for the masses. It is stunningly clear that very few people have stopped and thought that maybe education should not be for the masses but instead for the students individually.
Learning occurs when each child is developmentally ready, and this happens at a different pace for each individual child. I experience this daily in my Kindergarten classroom. Although a lot has changed in education over the course of my career, I try to focus on the constant that each of my students can learn on any given day and that I must challenge all of my students to reach his or her potential. This is my school’s motto, and we recite it daily. Education has faced many challenges over the years with politics, the economy, students’ culture, and legal issues. Politics does play a crucial role in education. Different school systems and population areas receive more or less government funding. Educational dollars can play a key role in a school system receiving the latest technology, updated facilities, educational funds for teachers, and curriculum needs. I have been able to experience this for myself by transferring schools from the city to the county school district. The social aspect of learning affects children in different ways also. Different cultures of schools are negatively and positively affected as well. Having taught in an inner-city school for 9 years, I was able to witness firsthand the downfalls and negative effects that come into play for students who come
The role and responsibilities of a teacher is very complex. Teachers are responsible for making sure their learners acquire the knowledge they need, but also achieve their qualification by the end of the course in a safe learning environment, so they have the skills and experience they need to start their careers. To achieve that goal a teacher must be creative, professional, flexible and knowledgeable enough to deal with daily challenges and find different ways to help their learners needs. Establishing a safe and stimulating environment for learners, creating mutual respect and set goals that stretch and challenge learners of all backgrounds and abilities.
Teachers hold a very sensitive role in the modern civilized society. Regarded as social engineers, teachers possess immense knowledge on various issues that affect our daily lives as a community of human beings. Though in many countries including the developed ones, teachers are poorly remunerated they make invaluable contributions to their communities, to society and to the world at large, engaging in yeoman services with selfless love and dedication that could only be considered priceless. This paper serves to explore some of the social contributions that teachers make to the modern civilized society.