The Role Of Women In A Doll's House By Henrik Ibsen

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A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen written in 1879 was the first feministic play, revolutionary and realistic play. A Doll’s House depicts the role of women as subordinate in order to emphasize their role in society. Ibsen him-self noted-down certain points before written the play. He wanted to highlight the fact that society has set different moral laws for men and women. A woman is always judged by man’s laws and male point of view. Another idea that Ibsen wanted to present was that a woman cannot be herself in modern society. She is treated only as an object in propagating the race. She is oppressed by the manipulation from her husband. She always faces moral conflict and bitterness despair and defeat. It is this confusion and conflict which …show more content…

She is conscious of weakness and totally understands his need to feel in control. She therefore always humours him and helps him to feel that he takes all the important decision in their life in order to accomplish this, she knowingly plays out the role of a feeble scatterbrain. She is, however, quite capable of taking crucial action. When Torvald was desperately ill and needed a long recuperative journey to the south, he obdurately refused to borrow money. But Nora had to raise a loan behind her husband’s back from Krogstad by forging her father’s signature in the bond. As her father was also very ill, she forged his signature. Nora was so determined to save her husband that she committed fraud to do so. This preference shows that Nora is both courageous and persistent. She values love over the law. She will scarify herself for the family. Her purpose in life is to be happy for her husband and children. Nora did believe that she loved Torvold and was happy. She had a passionate and devoted heart that was willing to do almost anything for her husband. Nora is proud that she borrowed money to save her husband’s life without his knowing it. She thoughtfully helps him keep his proud image of himself as the head of the family. She knows that he loves her for being pretty and

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