The Reversal of Traditions in Shrek

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The Reversal of Traditions in Shrek

In traditional fairy tales ogres are man-eating beast. The prince

usually rescues the princess; they marry and live happily ever after.

How do the makers of 'shrek' use presentational devices to reverse

this tradition to reveal the ogre as good and the prince as evil?

In this essay I am going to analyse the characters of shrek and Lord

Farquaad, and write about how filmmakers use different camera angles,

lighting, music and setting to create an unusual fairy tale. The giant

in jack and the beanstalk is what we expect of giants/ogres.

In traditional fairy tales ogres are normally man-eating beast, at the

beginning of shrek, shrek is what you expect him to be like. When the

farmers go to his swamp and the meet shrek. When shrek is shouting at

them the low angle camera shot makes shrek look intimidating to the

crowd and audience. Also the volume is raised.

This makes shrek look really big but this is before we get to know

shrek, he has good qualities, he is a good character and he doe...

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