The Renaissance Period In Architecture

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“ Portraiture, like other forms of art, is an expression of conviction, and in the
Renaissance, it reflects the reawakening interest in human motives and the human character, the resurgent recognition of those factors which make human beings individual, that lay at the center of Renaissance life. It is sometimes said that the Renaissance vision of man’s self-sufficient nature marks the beginning of the modern world. Undoubtedly it marks the beginning of the modern portrait." ((John Pope-Hennessy)

The Renaissance period was a period in architecture, art and music throughout different regions in Europe from early 15th century to 17th century.
It is important to define the word “ Renaissance’’ as its meaning is crucial in understanding the many stylistic characteristics of the period as such, with that being said renaissance is a French word that derives from Latin, meaning “ born anew “..(referece)

Analysing in depth, the Renaissance period in architecture stamps the retrospective regain of compositional principals of classic architecture and a return to a more canonica...

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