The Renaissance: A Renaissance Man

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The Renaissance is known for its spectacular art. The Renaissance marks the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world. It literally means rebirth, and it was just that: a cultural rebirth into a new era. People of the Renaissance began to focus less on simply surviving, and more on intellect and creativity: including art, science and technology. Theatrical productions were no longer solely church material; they became comedic, with more risqué stories of love and even magic. Beautiful, ornate churches, statues and other structures were being built and the middle and higher classes of Europe were enjoying wealth and luxury. Renaissance men and women were emerging: people like Leonardo Da Vinci, who was a painter, mathematician, engineer, and inventor. A “Renaissance Man” is someone who is talented in multiple areas of the arts: perhaps music, painting, poetry or sculpting.
Many important people shaped this time period and influenced it greatly. Some of the prime examples of influential characters are the artists. For exampl...

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