The Relationship Between Gods And Gods In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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All creation stories start with some sort of beginning of the world by a higher being(s) called gods/goddesses. These beings play a big part in the story. If there weren’t any gods there wouldn’t be any creation of anything. Gods are essential because of this it is important for them to have some kind of relationship with other beings in the story. The type of relationship between them depends on the type of creation story. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods/goddesses have to have a close relationship with humans because the gods control life and death along with fate. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods and goddesses are very involved in the plot. The epic would be entirely different if they were taken out. The main characters would be nonexistent. …show more content…

God is a god that is built upon a close relationship with his people. He has the power to control life and death. “…often the relation between human behavior and divine favor is shown to be deeply mysterious.” (The Norton Vol. 1 pg. 89) Like Utanapishtim, God spares Noah and his family among other humans because he is a faithful servant to him. Noah did everything that God said with little questioning. He washed away human but kept him alive. Another example is the close relationship that Jesus wants from us. That relationship is what will take you to heaven after you die. Without that close relationship you will be lost and he can do nothing for you after you die. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, because the gods/goddesses to have control of life and death along with fate it is essential that they have a close relationship with humans. All creation stories start with the gods/goddesses are creating the world and everything in it. In the story, they always play a big part. If they did not exist there wouldn’t be any creation. It is very important for them to have some kind of relationship with their creations, human or not. The type of relationship that is depends solely on the type of creation

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