The Realities Of Hedonistic Consumerism By Graham Hill And Jessi Arrington

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Sometimes, when relatives and friends say “go big or go home” it’s not always in sports-related situation.. Graham Hill and Jessi Arrington both address the theme of minimalist in their videos during a Ted Talk. They both are very relevant to this theme as is the article “The Realities of Hedonistic Consumerism” in Rereading America. Although they all have their distinct characteristics and reasons for being relevant, Graham Hills video Less Stuff, More Happiness does a better job of explaining and giving examples. The two videos and the one article explain how as the years go by the normal American expands the storage they have to fit everything they desire. Graham Hill is the founder of and He works to design one’s life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space, and energy. Hill explains the benefits of having less space in his Ted Talk, Less Stuff, More Happiness (Hill, 2011). “We Americans about three times the amount of space than what we did about 50 years ago” said Hill while talking in front of an audience. The problem with this is that we have become very good shoppers that in return we think we need …show more content…

The only thing new on her body is her underwear, but other than that she has chosen to buy everything used. Wearing Nothing New showed a week’s worth of outfits that were all chosen from a thrift stores around LA. Arrington said, “It is okay to let go” after she knew that all her outfits were not going to fit back in the one suitcase she brought from Brooklyn. She provided a slide show that suggested outfits and how each and everyone had a special feature that made it look cute. She told her audience how one can look stylish with an outfit that is less than $50, and also explained how one does not have to get so attached to things because sometimes right around the corner there will be something that is more of out

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