Mark Edmundson Consumerism

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The realm of higher education is in a state of constant evolution, which can be witnessed on as small of a time scale as a year-to-year basis; however, the more drastic changes are most notable in larger scales, such as five years, ten years, and so on. One of the main forces for change is the student body and their parents, to some extent. Mark Edmundson, a professor of English at the University of Virginia, wrote his essay On the Uses of a Liberal Education: As Lite Entertainment for Bored College Students about the more recent changes of not only universities, but of the student body as well. He laments how consumerism has transformed these institutes of learning into, basically, glorified daycares, and he does make a rather compelling argument by drawing upon his personal experiences as a teacher. …show more content…

The new generation has been consumed by an overly commercialized society, which is evident in their branded attire and bland personalities, and universities are treating them as consumers instead of as students in order to increase attendance. Professors have to cater to the commercialized lifestyle by being quirky and funny in order to keep their students interested, and they have to carefully choose how they speak to their students so as to not make them feel inferior; professors also cannot make their courses too challenging otherwise students might withdraw from the class. This is stifling to the growth of students as well as the growth of the nation because they are no longer being challenged to think critically and creatively. Edmundson concludes his essay by stating that there is still hope that a student and or a teacher can break free of this cycle and live for him or

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