The Reading Circles: The Influence Of Reading

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As a child, I got taught how to read by my parents. They always told me to try my best and sound out the words before giving up and asking them. My parents always told me to turn off the TV and pick up a book or else my brain is going to become fried. Reading has taught me to relax and when I am having a stressful day a book can distract me from my problems and calm me down. The impact of reading has been positive for me through the times at school when the bookmobile came, when my stress levels go down, and the reading circles in class. Ordinarily, the first experience I ever remember when reading a book was to my mom. Dr. Seuss's ABC was the first book I remember reading, it helped me learn my ABC’s and my mom loves Dr. Seuss books so that came in handy because we had so many close by. She probably owns about 20 of his books. Therefore, every night before bed she would read me a bedtime story. I would get snuggled up in bed and I would yell out mom so that when she would come …show more content…

In fourth grade, the class reads the book Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. According to Vikrant Parsai, an English Language Grammar Book teacher, “Reading without understanding is like swallowing without chewing”(“Board of Wisdom). Furthermore, when a person cannot understand a story they have to re-read certain parts in the story or ask questions for the teacher. Moreover, if someone was having trouble understanding parts in the book, the reading literary circles jobs were there to answer someone's question. Accordingly, everyone in the group would help out each other and try to figure it out together. Until the class got into reading circles every day I was lost on what was happening in the book because it was too hard for me to follow the book. In addition, reading has impacted my life just as that one week in fourth grade did when I broke my

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