The Rate of Reaction When Dissolving Sugar

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The Rate of Reaction When Dissolving Sugar


I have been asked to perform an investigation on the length of time it

takes for a certain amount of sugar to dissolve in a certain amount of

water at different temperatures. I will investigate whether the time

taken at one temperature and another will be the same, quicker or

slower using scientific methods.

Identifying Key Factors


The factors that would affect the dissolving rate are: -

· Volume of water

The larger the volume of water, the quicker the sugar will dissolve

because there is more particles for the sugar molecules to collide


· Mass of sugar

The more sugar there is the dissolving rate will be slower as there is

more molecules to collide with the water particles.

· Size of sugar particles

The bigger they are the slower they will dissolve.

· Temperature

The higher the temperature the quicker the sugar will dissolve

The variable I am going to change is temperature. I will keep all

other factors constant to make the experiment fair and so the results

are reliable.

Reasons for doing a pre-test

I am going to perform a pre-test so that I have an idea of the

quantities of Sugar and water I will need to use in my actual

experiment. Doing a pre-test means I will get a more accurate result

when it comes to do the actual experiment.

Pre-test method


· Glass Beaker

· Measuring cylinder

· Tripod

· Bunsen Burner

· Stirring Rod

· Thermometer

· Stopwatch

· Heat proof mat

· For safety: Goggles

· Weighing scales

· Gather equipment and set up as shown below:

· Choose your temperatures (I am going to perform the pre-test with

the temperatures 20°C, 40°C and 60°C)

· Measure 10g of sugar and 100cm³ of 20°C water

· Pour the water and sugar into the glass beaker and start the clock.

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