Reaction Rate Investigation

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Reaction Rate Investigation


I am trying to work out the rate of reaction between marble chips

(calcium carbonate) and Hydrochloric acid. This will be my plan of how

to carry out my investigation.

There are many factors, which I could change in this experiment. These


1) Concentration. An increase in concentration means there are more

particles. More particles means there will be more collisions.

2) Surface Area. Breaking the solid into smaller pieces will increase

the surface area exposed to the other reactant.

3) Temperature. Increasing the temperature will cause the particles to

move faster. When particles move faster, more collisions occur and the

collisions are more violent. This should increase the reaction rate.

All of these factors will affect the reaction rate, but I have decided

to change the concentration of Hydrochloric acid. This will determine

the rate of reaction by measuring the amount of Carbon Dioxide given


As I will only change one factor, I will have to keep other factors

constant. These will be: -

1) The temperature

2) The size of the marble chip

3) The same apparatus will be used throughout the experiment

I predict that as the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases and

it becomes more concentrated, the more Carbon Dioxide will be given

off. As the concentration increases the chip will fizz more violently.

When the concentration has been doubled, the reaction will have


The reaction rate can be increased if the concentration of the

reactant is raised. As there are more particles to react with in a

higher concentration of acid, the chance of an effective collision

goes up. I have performed similar experiments and have acquired this


Calcium + Hydrochloric Calcium + Carbon + Water


Carbonate Acid Chloride Dioxide

The reaction rate is also known as the collision theory. This is when

successfully 2 particles collide with each other and give off a

successful product. This is as shown below:

For my experiment I will use 5 different concentrations of

hydrochloric acid. These are:

0.5M 1M

1.5M 2M


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