The Qualities of an Effective Principal

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Qualities define one’s true persona, and observing these can help you to determine an effective principal. Great principals take responsibility for the schools successes and failures. They lead in teaching and learning. Effective principals hire, develop, and retain excellent teachers. Be it to hire your replacement or simply to fill and empty position as a school’s head, there are a few qualities that will ultimately stand out when it comes to the final selection. These authoritative figures are determined by their ability to improve staff performance, and be held entirely responsible for their school.
If a school shows poor results, the head of the establishment should take it among themselves to correct the matter; meaning that a principal should get involved, even if it means utilizing his personal time. This can be done by a variety of means, from having the teachers report to you on a monthly or weekly basis, or individually interviewing students. It is necessary that a principal knows their students, so that they can advise teachers from time to time on how to handle situatio...

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