The Pros And Cons Of Mysticism

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There is an extraordinary reality within the religions of Christianity and Judaism. These realities are seen within the practices that these two religions share at a core. Mysticism is about taking a religion and going spiritually into the core of the religion through experiencing the practices. This makes the religion significantly more about the actual experience, rather than set laws. Within these practices there is esoteric and exoteric experiences. Esoteric outer`
Luke Timothy Johnson’s article “Dry Bones” is a great example of how there needs to be mysticism, and richness within religion. If these aspects are left out of the faith, than we are just people reading a book of rules, just saying words, and simply moving our mouths with no heart and calling that singing. Mysticism is what makes religion less man made and what makes religion richer. Johnson also goes over how there needs to be mysticism so that religion doesn’t become all about rules, regulations, and a constant routine. There is added depth into these religious groups in which they can become closer to God rather than closer to man’s expectations of self. “Christian mysticism that finds no center in the Eucharist or the Passion of Christ drifts into a form of self grooming.” (Johnson, Dry Bones) According to Johnson “Esoteric in contrast, finds the point of religion less in external performance than in the inner experience and devotion of the heart; less in the public liturgy than in the individual’s search for God.” (Johnson, Dry Bones) …show more content…

Man made religion that creates a world only by judgmental, over regulating spiritual life can demolish spiritual life. Without mysticism religion truly does become “dry bones”, referring to how it would be lifeless, empty, and in turn brining death to one’s own spiritual life.
Without mysticism, there is also man putting a regulation of relationship on one’s experience with

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