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Importance of ethics to individuals and society at large
Personal Ethics
Personal Question About Ethics
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Journal Entry One Ethics can be difficult due to the many different backgrounds people come from. It is difficult to know where their personal ethical compass sits. What one person thinks is completely acceptable another may not. Having a baseline in which to deal with ethical decisions helps to keep that waters from becoming muddied. I need to balance out my personal ethical choices, values, and moral decisions by looking at the situation through different lenses. I need to make sure I am not being “one way” and am weighing all the possible options that could possibly go with making a decision. I am curious to learn through class discussion and from you, our professor why certain ethical dilemmas need to be debated or that it is possible that I am not being open-minded about the situation. I have already seen some of this in our classroom discussions. It has been nice to see that people are …show more content…
It is not always our issue or our ethical consequence to consider. It can have different sides or issues, a before and after consequence for example. Sometimes an ethical consequence can be far worse if made evident after the issue has been dealt with versus while the issue is in the present, or ongoing, so to speak. Consequences can have far reaching effects on others, a trickle-down effect could ensue. Issues and how they are ethically dealt with can have far-reaching effects, effects beyond ourselves or our immediate group. I need to prioritize more. I have been so consumed with some aspects of my personal life that my school world feels as if it is spinning out of control. I call this “life interfering with life,” and it puts a greater amount of stress on me than I would like. It is difficult to make an ethical “choice” when all my issues need attention at once. I feel as if I have completely lost all control and I do not know exactly how to get in back in
moral decisions, we will be analyzing why this scenario poses a dilemma, possible actions that
Abortion has been a political, social, and personal topic for many years now. The woman’s right to choose has become a law that is still debated, argued and fought over, even though it has been passed. This paper will examine a specific example where abortion is encouraged, identify the Christian world views beliefs and resolution as well as the consequences of such, and compare them with another option.
Article title: “The ‘Do Whatever It Takes’ Attitude Gone Wrong” published by the Huffington Post
In general, the term utilitarianism can be defined as the ethical or right action is the one that results in the greatest good for the greatest number. Therefore, some people suggest that rightness or wrongness is determine by numbers that are total the positives and the negatives outcome of an action or the one that produces the highest score of positives or negatives that is the most ethical, or right, thing to do (Neher, W. W. Sandin, P.J., 2007, p. 61).
Everyday individuals are faced with difficult situations, and in some cases these situations bring into question a person’s moral code. These dilemmas make people think about what the right thing to do is and what the wrong thing to do is. Any person can follow the four basic frameworks of ethics to figure out what needs to be done. Those frameworks being ethical egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. But first I will put you in a tricky situation and shed some light on the different routes an individual could take according to those four ethical frameworks. Then I will give my opinion on what I would do in the situation and I will state some objections a critic might have on my opinion.
Our ethics and values are shaped from events and decisions dating back as far as we can remember, and in some cases even further back to times we cannot remember. Our heritage and cultural backgrounds can also play a large part in how our ethics are formed. As a society each individual fits into one of the four ethical profiles, and in many cases more than one of the profiles, what can make an individual extraordinary is the ability to learn from others that don’t share their own ethical beliefs and benefit from that shared knowledge to make themselves a better all-around individual. As the saying goes, no one is perfect, but the pursuit of perfection can be quite an experience for those that accept that challenge. Moral and ethical dilemmas will continue to arise in our lives from this moment until the moment we depart this plane of existence, it is what we do with those moments that set us apart from
At times in a person’s life, they might come across a few situations that leave them with a major decision between two or more options that challenge what they believe or what they might think is wrong or right. These are known as ethical dilemmas. Be it seeing a friend steal something and choosing between being honest and speaking up or letting it go. It can also be getting paid more than you earned and deciding if you’re going to be greedy and keep the money or return it. We run into these situations in our lives, some bigger and more influential on our destiny’s while others are small with no real consequences.
e. What is the harm, or potential harm to society that can occur if this ethical rule is not followed? (Write out a one-sentence description of the potential harm to society if this ethical rule is broken.)
An ethical dilemma is only examined in a situation which has the following conditions; the first condition takes place in a situation, when an individual has to make a decision on which course of action is best. The second condition is there must be more than one course of action to choose from. The third action is no matter what course of action is taken, certain ethical principles are conceded. In other terms, there is no perfect result. When defining what forms an ethical dilemma, it is important to make a division between ethics, morals, values, laws and policies.
Making good ethical decisions requires a trained sensitivity to ethical issues and a practiced method for exploring the ethical aspects of a decision and weighing the considerations that should impact our choice of a course of action. Having a method for ethical decision making is absolutely essential. When practiced regularly, the method becomes so familiar that we work through it automatically without consulting the specific steps.
The following five-step model can help employees make appropriate decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma. The first step is to recognize the issue. Knowing what is the root cause and the main issue can help determine what ethical issue is at hand. The next step is to get the facts of the situation. Eliminating bias opinions and knowing the information source can increase the chances of making a good decision.
First, arranging moral precepts into ethical systems facilitates understanding of well-defined values, norms, and beliefs adopted by a group. In turn, groups express these beliefs by codifying them through rules, laws, and codes of conduct intended to influence decision-making, especially when a poor decision would lead to corruption, and loss of professional trust. More importantly, ethical systems provide moral justification for activities that appear to defy innate human instincts. Lastly, ethics provide insight into the cause and effect of a potential action or decision, allowing the group to determine what is right (ethical, effective, and efficient) within an established framework. All of these ethical characteristics are important to understand because they can compel an individual or group to act contrary to a universal human
behavior and ethical decision making. I feel that only in this way will I be able to provide the
The Level of Ethical Analysis: Sometimes one will run into the issue of not finding an acceptable moral to apply
Introduction Generally, ethics is defined as standards of performance that explain how human beings should opt to react during many circumstances in which they meet with friends, citizens, parents, teachers, children, professionals, and businesspeople, among others. However, ethics is different from feelings, as feelings make significant information’s available for our ethical preferences. Although some people possess highly mature behaviors that cause them to feel awful when they get involved in the wrongdoings, most of the people normally enjoy doing bad things. Ethical decision-making And frequently people will feel uncomfortable when they are mandated to make difficult decisions.