The Pros And Cons Of Climate Change

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We can shorten climate change by using inexhaustible energy instead of hydrocarbon deposit. It may not be possible for a simple generation to fix all the damage caused to the earth, however with the help of our future generations we will get closer to a green and healthy Earth.
Climate change is not science fiction it is a reality. The planet earth is already starting to change, it just can’t handle the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Sidney Gauthreaux, a environmental science professor at the University of California, Berkeley lab that studies radar images of birds, said a cloudburst on weather radar animation captures a series of pulses of startled birds taking flight in the Little Rock suburb.
"There is no question that the …show more content…

More than 100 plummeted onto a car park and nearby rooftop in the city of Idaho Falls during a ferocious storm. Their bodies were left soaked by the rain and pummelled by hailstone the size of golf balls.“All of …show more content…

“When the officer arrived, nothing was moving or twitching. Drury, Colin. “More than 100 Dead Geese Rain down from Sky in Freak Event during Storm.”The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 11 Apr. 2018, A series of small earthquakes have shaken central Nebraska and become the talk of the area. According to data on the U.S. Geological Survey’s website, there have been six quakes since April 9 in the heart of the state, centered on the town Arnold, which is about 225 miles west of capital Lincoln. The first, a 3.3-magnitude tremor, happened early that morning, followed by three on April 10, another on Sunday, and then the most recent earthquake on Monday. The strongest quake was the first one that struck on April 10, which reached a 3.7 on the scale.The earthquakes were picked up from nearby Stapleton and were detected about three miles below the surface.There haven’t been any reports of human injury or structural damage related to the seismic activity, according to KWBE-TV. “It’s just kind of weird,” Arnold Chamber of

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