The Pros And Cons Of Bullying

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In school, both physical and verbal bullying takes place between students. Physical bullying is not as likely in schools today, a lot of bullying has now transitioned to verbal bullying, which is no better. Many are unaware that bullying that this children during the time when they are bullied, and even afterwards. Children who are bullied can eventually suffer from a multitude of mental issues, including depression and anxiety. It has been shown that children who are bullied, or even bullies, enter into adulthood with developed mental issues. Being bullied may cause children to isolate themselves with the belief that they are alone, and that no-one really cares for them.
When I was younger, at least up until the middle of my high school career, from my point of view, almost all of my classmates had bullied me in school. I never understood why those children decided to bully me, and during elementary school it never got too terrible. It was when I had transferred to middle school that things had suddenly changed. I didn’t know a single person, and none of my friends from …show more content…

I will then consider arguments that are either for or against bullying, as well as arguments about the results of bullying. These arguments include how bullying is not really an issue and it is just overprotective parents, how bullying is a matter that is serious to children and should be taken care of worldwide, as well as the argument of how bullying has long-lasting effects on children when they grow up. By addressing the arguments of how bullying is not an issue, I will be able to effectively argue that bullying should be eradicated on bullying, and that schools should buckles down on the issue. I will support this argument by discussing the following two arguments of how bullying is a serious issue and how it has long-lasting effects on children as they enter into

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