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Drugs used by youth essay
Drugs abuse among the youth of today
The effects of drug abuse on youth
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Do you really want to be prescribed prescription drugs if they will lead to harder drugs? 11% of people between the ages of 4 and 17 are prescribed Adderall yearly (Stimulant ADHD). At young ages, doctors assume that the children have ADD or ADHD because they cannot sit still, or pay attention. This is just kids being kids. At a young age, no kid can pay attention, or sit still. Also, millions of adults that have major surgeries that the pain is expected to last more than 3 months are prescribed opioids (CDC). Opioids are painkillers that are prescribed for severe pain only. These prescription drugs, though they seem good, should not be prescribed because they can lead to harder drugs in the future, such as cocaine, heroin, etc., and doctors …show more content…
It is classified as an amphetamine, which help the body’s system speed up (Drug Fact Sheet). These can look like a pill, or powder, as can cocaine and meth. They are abused by being taken in both ways, and cause the same effect as cocaine, a slower but more focused mind. Amphetamines can increase blood pressure and cause loss of appetite and exhaustion. People that want to stop Adderall cannot because of the feeling that it gives them, and the cravings their bodies get. When they stop, they can start to get jittery, and then take more Adderall than recommended, and get addicted quickly by doing this. Then they run out of their prescription, and need that same feeling. The patients then get cocaine, and sometimes meth because they both give the same effect on their minds and bodies as Adderall did. As they start to overdose on these drugs, signs of increasing body temperature, convulsions and hallucinations will be shown (Drug Fact Sheet). This all happens because people think it is okay to stop suddenly because they do not know the side effects, and the harm it can cause their …show more content…
They abuse it by injecting it with a needle, smoking it, or by snorting it. They do this because they stopped taking these prescription drugs that gave them “jolt” feeling, followed by a state of fatigued, which is the same feeling that heroin gives them. Also, in comparison between opioids and heroin, your body builds up a tolerance for both. This means that the people would need more of the substance to get the feeling that they want. This is a major issue with opioid use because the patients need more of the medication to get their pain to go away, and then get addicted and cannot stop taking the pill. There are physical signs of addiction, and these include drowsiness, constricted pupils, nausea, and dry mouth (Drugs of Abuse). These signs occur when addicted to both opioids and heroin. Also, signs of an overdose while using heroin or opioids are blue lips and fingernails, slow breaths and clammy skin (Drugs of Abuse). Doctors not warning their patients about all of the warnings of weaning off these medications can cause them to start doing harder drugs. Taking Adderall from a young age and stopping suddenly can cause your body to crash unless you do the hard drugs that give you the same feeling as Adderall. Also, taking opioids and not knowing the side effects and how to wean yourself off can cause major damage, and bodily cravings for the chemicals that are in them. So you go to cocaine because it has the same
Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which work on the central nervous system as stimulants. A stimulant is a drug that produces a temporary increase of function activity by affecting the chemicals in the brain. There are 4 salts the combine to for the active ingredients, dextroamphetamine saccharate, dextroamphetamine sulfate, amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, and amphetamine. Inactive ingredients are also present, but they do not play a role in Adderall’s function.
Why did the ADHD boy not introduce his girlfriend to any of his friends? He could not remember her name; or better yet, why would a chicken be considered ADD? It never gets all the way across the road because of all the distractions. Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental and behavioral disorder that affects 3 to 5 percent of all school-age children. The American Psychiatric Association explains that, “Individuals with ADHD may know what to do but do not consistently do what they know because of their inability to efficiently stop and think prior to responding, regardless of the setting or task” (Berne 2).
Tired and overworked students will try anything to get that extra edge to stay up all night and study. Students, specifically college students, find solace in a little pill called Adderall. Adderall is a drug used for treatment and control of neurological disorders that affect adults and kids, specifically those with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Formerly known as Obetrol, it was first approved on February 21st, 1996 by the FDA and was in the warehouses by March 11th, 1996. However, Adderall was used as a substitute to caffeine, speed, or to even reach a natural high by students at high pressure college and prep schools before it was a drug known to aid people with ADHD (Kent 2013).
Black women have been imprisoned for having the ‘girlfriend role’. This is when a woman is dating a drug dealer and gets caught in the drug conspiracy charge due to her boyfriends or husbands drugs in one form or another (acluvideos, 2008). This does not just hurt the woman who was convicted but also here children and other dependents. Black women who live in poor neighborhoods are disadvantaged within their disadvantaged neighborhoods and are often exploited by men who hold the power.
Opioids are used as pain relievers and although it does the job, there are adverse side effects. Opioids are frequently used in the medical field, allowing doctors to overprescribe their patients. The substance can be very addicting to the dosage being prescribed to the patient. Doctors are commonly prescribing opioids for patients who have mild, moderate, and severe pain. As the pain becomes more severe for the patient, the doctor is more likely to increase the dosage. The increasing dosages of the narcotics become highly addicting. Opioids should not be prescribed as pain killers, due to their highly addictive chemical composition, the detrimental effects on opioid dependent patients, the body, and on future adolescents. Frequently doctors have become carless which causes an upsurge of opioids being overprescribed.
Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant composed of a mixture of amphetamine salts, dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. Amphetamines are thought to block the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine into the presynaptic neuron and increase the release of these monoamines into the extra neuronal space. (Developed, 2010).
Eighty percent of heroin users say that their opioid use began with the use of opioids. pain relievers. These same individuals say that they have switched to heroin use. because it is less expensive.
Adderall can have serious side effects if taken without a medical reason. Adderall is a Schedule II drug, which means there can be a strong chance of abuse and dependence (Pantovich). The abuse of Adderall can be compared to the addiction people receive from the use of cocaine (Pantovich). The drug can cause lack of creativity (Pantovich). The use of Adderall is intended for patients with a disorder...
Today, a full 61 percent of adults use at least one drug to treat a chronic health problem, a nearly 15 percent rise since 2001. In today’s society doctors around America are abusing the privilege to prescribe medicine. This then causes the issue of overmedication. Americans who are being prescribed drugs that are not needed for them have more risk of side effects. The long-term effects are dangerous and have caused numerous children hospitalized. Americans who are buying treatments for ADHD, depression, and many more disorders have spent over 4 billion dollars in the past year. Prices are increasing because the desires for these drugs are becoming more prevalent. Overmedication is a global issue that is affecting children that come from many different backgrounds and live in many different areas in America.
The use of cocaine in the United States has declined over the last twenty years while the use of crack has increased. Many people avoided the use of crack because of the harmful chemicals used in creating the drug. One of the reasons why crack became popular is because of not needing to inject the drug hence less risks of being infected by the AIDS virus. Carroll (2000) states cocaine is the most powerful stimulant of natural origin. Most users snort or inject the drug to enable a quicker “high.” Cocaine use brings on many health problems. Fatal complications occur from regular use, for example, liver damage, seizures, elevated blood pressure causing stroke, heart failure, or heart attack.
the left of a pair of crystals that are a mirror image of each other.
Drug alters the function and structure of a living tissue. Crack cocaine causes a person to be hyperactive, alert, feel “good”, speed up metabolism etc. However, these temporary “good” feelings result in death, nausea, vomiting, respiratory bleeding and many more. Nevertheless, there are lots of rehab centers for the abusers and the doctors or rehab counselors start the patient’s treatments once they have been submitted. We need to be away from taking crack cocaine and help the abusers by pushing them to detox centers.
Without contrast, the primary reason for drug abuse in individuals comes from the conscious state of addiction. According to Webster’s, addiction is described as “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity (Hacker, 2011).” Sure, human nature’s desire to conform to peer pressure might cause one to first try a certain drug, but the euphoric mental states found in drugs mentally trap many individuals into becoming dependent upon these sensations. With that being said, these sensations vary depending on the type of drug used.
There are many other options and treatment plans for people to consider before handing their life over to drugs. Drugs are not meant to be legalized without proper information and education about the drug for the public. Educational programs in the school system are a way of teaching the youth of how harmful these substances are. Even though some may be effective in treating pain, there are long-term side effects associated with these drugs that people need to consider. Pain is inevitable and suffering is
Amphetamines are typically used to provide the same effect that pure adrenaline does. The drug is specified for people with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity as well as narcolepsy, although if you decide to abuse the drug and use it for recreational purposes you may start to feel paranoia and nervousness. Using amphetamines can also put a strain on the circulatory system by causing the user's blood pressure to increase suddenly. (Amphetamine) Long term psychological effects of the drug can cause something called amphetamine psychosis which is much like paranoid schizophrenia. This could lead towards hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and obsessions. (Amphetamine)