The Problem of Global Warming
In June of 1988, James Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), informed a Senate committee that, "the greenhouse effect has been detected and is changing our climate now." With this statement, he launched the ongoing international debate on the magnitude of global warming and its "potential to adversely affect the Earth's environment."1 Unfortunately, since this announcement, the world has not yet become fully mobilized to act on this problem. The majority of solutions proposed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have not been implemented as countries like the US, though symbolically ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, hesitate to
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al. Argument in the Greenhouse, New York: Routledge Press, 1997, p. 4-5.
Watson, Robert. "Is Man-Made Global Warming a Proven Environmental Threat? Yes: It Bodes Ill for Health, Agriculture and Biodiversity," Insight, Sept. 4, 1995 Source: Lexis-Nexis
Nichols et. al., "Observed Climate Variability and Change" in Houghton et. al. Climate Change 1995 Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 1996, pp. 133-192. (cited in EPA report below)
US EPA, Internet report entitled "The Kyoto Protocol and the Presidents Policies to Address Climate Change.", 11/23/98, p. 17.
Watson, Robert. "Is Man-Made Global Warming a Proven Environmental Threat? Yes: It Bodes Ill for Health, Agriculture and Biodiversity," Insight, Sept. 4, 1995 Source: Lexis-Nexis
GreenPeace Internet site on Global Warming 11/20/98
Bender & Leone et. al. Global Warming: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997 p.115.
EPA Internet report p. 19 (from Warrick et. al. 1996)
EPA Internet report p. 19 (from Titus et. al. 1991)
EPA Internet report p. 5 (from Energy Information Administration 1998a)
EPA Report p. 5 (from Energy Information Administration
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Climate change is on the international policy agenda primarily because of warnings from scientists. Their forecasts of a potentially dangerous increase in the average global temperature, fortuitously assisted by unusual weather events, have prompted governments to enter into perhaps the most complicated and most significant set of negotiations ever attempted. Key questions - the rapidity of global climate change, its effects on the natural systems on which humans depend, and the options available to lessen or adapt to such change - have energized the scientific and related communities in analyses that are deeply dependent on scientific evidence and research.
Carter, Robert M. "Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change." Global Research. Global Research, 9 Dec. 2009. Web. 25 June 2014. . Secondary Source
If DuPont had informed the workers about the side effects of exposing themselves directly to the chemical, I believe that a safety measure could have been enforced. This could have prevented many workers from being infected with diseases. A worker like Sue Bailey was demotivated ever since she knew that her son’s deformity was a result of her being exposed to the chemical. DuPont could have attempted to pay her son’s hospital bills as it investigated. These gestures could have motivated the employees even after such misfortune had occurred. DuPont further created a rift between its workers since it strived to justify that its chemicals were not the cause of this deformity. Instead, DuPont carried out suspicious investigations that protected the company’s image while sidelining the interests of its
Howard, Brian. “New Climate Change Report Warns of Dire Consequences.” National Geographic Mar 2014: Web. 3 Apr 2014.
Colgate Palmolive's senior management decided to launch a new toothbrush priced in the Super Premium segment. Susan Steinberg, the product manager, has to determinate the best marketing mix to implement and which of the follow options are the best in order to position the product in the market: A) Under a mainstream B) Under a niche strategy. Each strategy has involves different prices and volumes of unit sold.
"Definition of Feminism in English:." Feminism: Definition of Feminism in Oxford Dictionary (British & World English). N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.
The Web. 04 Feb. 2014 -. The Effects of Global Warming. National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web.
Consequences of Global Warming? N.p., n.d. Web. The Web. The Web. 21 Feb. 2014.
“An introduction to climate change.” Natural Resource Defense Council. Natural Resources Defense Council 8 November 2015 n. pag. Web. 28 November 2015.
With evidence I have displayed, my hypothesis was supported and has revealed how ethical Colgate is. Colgate is not a company that is selfish and just focuses on what suppliers can do for them but more on how primary and secondary stakeholders can benefit from Colgate and how Colgate can benefit from them also. Colgate is a stakeholder orientation company and focuses on the community and as what I’ve read on, the community is very happy with Colgate.
Over the past twenty years an increasing number of people are turning to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), even though there are fewer evidence based studies, compared to traditional medicine. Although CAM is difficult to define as it covers such a broad range of practices, CAM can promote a patient-centred, self-help, holistic approach to health care (Cant, et al. 2011: 529). CAM is often categorised as natural and holistic, as opposed to scientific, evidence-based and invasive. However, CAM overlaps with many biomedical models, which is another reason as to why CAM is becoming more socially acceptable and legitimate (Broom 2014: 425).
Background and Audience Relevance: There are always conversations about our planet. We see our earths glaciers melting, weather temperature rising, and pollution affecting our resources. But for some reasons we tend to look away. We should be more aware of this potential event and I’m here to inform everyone about what actually is global warming and the effects of it.
Hardy, J. T. Climate Change: Causes, Effects, and Solutions. New York: J. Wiley, 2003. Print.