The Princess Bride Archetypes

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“As you wish,” said by the Farm boy,westley, a main character who ties the story of love,romance,and action together. The book The Princess Bride by William Goldman is a story of two lovers, Buttercup and Westley. After Westley dies on a boat by The Dread Pirate Roberts, the King of Florin, Prince Humperdinck, started searching for love. After a visit from the count and countess they decide that Buttercup is worthy of being the queen. Even though Buttercup says she will never love The Prince, she still agrees to the marriage. Soon after Buttercup is introduced to Florin she gets kidnapped by the Turk, the Sicilian, and the Spaniard. They all figure out that they are being followed by the man in black, which leads to the adventure part of the story. In The Princess Bride, William Goldman uses many different archetypes like the damsel in distress, the task, and the magic weapon which are archetypes that have been used for centuries and renders them new to make the story flow together and more interesting. One example of an archetype that William Goldman renders new is the Damsel in Di...

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