Irony In The Princess Bride

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In literature, satire allows readers or viewers to recognize how ridiculous things come about. Satire permits a reader or viewer to express a certain feeling. Usually this feeling evolves around hilarity. Within the satire category, exaggeration and irony exist. Exaggeration usually emphasizes something beyond the original intention. Irony expresses the opposite of the original meaning.
Examples of exaggeration:
• Caricature: an illustration that distorts a person’s features
• Parody: a piece of work that exaggerates a person, song, or film in an amusing way
• Hyperbole: a figurative language device
Examples of irony:
• Verbal irony: describes a word(s) different from the original meaning
• Dramatic irony: exists when the reader or viewer understands something that the character does not …show more content…

The Princess Bride, written in 1973 incorporates satire. This technique occurs numerous times in the novel in the form of irony. Irony takes place in the novel when Vezzini laughs after telling Westly the goblets have been switched. Here Vizzini believes Westly drank the poisoned goblet. Verbal irony occurs when Dread Pirate Robert captures Buttercup. Dread Pirate Robert turns out to be Buttercup’s love, Westly. Dramatic irony takes place when Inigo and Westly set fire to

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