The Philosophy of Education

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In order for a society to function, individuals must be productive members of that society. This is accomplished through education. The philosophy of education is determined by society. As society changes so does the concept of education. Education is needed for individuals to function in society. Without the proper tools, people would be a burden instead of an asset. To become an asset, individuals need to be exposed to those elements which would enrich their lives through knowledge. Knowledge in our society is basically learned through education. The basic knowledge each person should receive from an education is the three R’s; reading writing, and arithmetic. These mediums will enable a person to survive in today’s society. However, education needs to provide more than survival skills. It needs to provide the abilities for individuals to be productive members of society. Education is the means in which people can become prosper in society. Through education, people learn not only the basic skills but also those skills which enables them to problem solve. Through the ability of problem solving, a person learns the means of developing high level skills needed for society to continue to flourish and prosper. These problem solving skills introduced in education at an early age allows individuals to develop the ability to think for themselves. Education gives individuals the means to use their problem solving skills in the areas such as the science, math, and sociol...

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