The Other Wes Moore Essay Topics

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"Your father wasn't there because he couldn't be, my father wasn't there because he chose not to be. We're going to mourn their absence in different ways" (Moore 3). The Other Wes Moore, a novel written by Wes Moore, is a true story in which two people with eerily similar upbringings end up in drastically different spots. Both Wes’ grew up with absent fathers, one because of a virus, and the other because he was an irresponsible drunk. As the two boys grew up, they found different ways to cope with their losses, whether that be looking for someone else to replace their father, or getting sent to military school. Wes Moore writes this book to show how, under even the worst circumstances, it is not impossible to get through and make it far. The Problem As we go through our lives, most of us don’t realize our fathers impact on us. Unfortunately, there are some people who never get to experience the love of their fathers. The real …show more content…

How do mentorship programs work? According to Reeves, there are 5 main steps to start a mentorship. First, make sure the mentor and the mentee are compatible in some way, whether that be shared values or mutual respect (20). The second step is setting a direction, which entails setting goals and finding the trajectory of the relationship. This step usually happens in the first few meetings (21). The third step is the progress-making stage. The mentor and mentee will start to get comfortable with each other, making sure to set the objective of each meeting (22). The fourth step, winding down, is where the mentor and mentee reflect on the progress made over their time meeting with each other, and celebrating the achievements made along the way (23). The final step is where the mentor and mentee part ways, usually ending in the two transitioning into a more casual relationship (24). These 5 steps are a great way to run these mentor programs, creating lasting relationships between the two people, changing lives for the

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