Book Report On The Other Wes Moore

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Wes Moore Essay The other, Wes Moore. The other Wes Moore is a book about two people with the same exact name, from similarly rough areas, and how their lives differ from each other. And also the similarities that they both had and had to face in their lives. For example, one of the Wes Moore’s was a criminal who went to prison for first degree murder. Wes Moore, on the other hand, grew up to be successful and became a governor, author, politician, and businessman. The author wants us to question why it is the case that the other Wes Moore went to prison, while he achieved great success? The author ultimately implicitly suggests that it has more to do with moral luck than the goodness or badness of the other Wes Moore. With that being said, …show more content…

I believe this because the author, Wes Moore, was sent to military school, which straightened him up from all the violence going on in the Bronx. Prisoner Wes never got these types of opportunities to move and start over to make a new name for himself. Prisoner Wes Moore also never got the opportunity to go to military school and be trained like author Wes did. I believe if prisoner Wes got the kind of opportunities that author Wes Moor did, it would have made him a better person. This is also a great example of how moral luck plays into the lives of the two Wes Moore’s. They don’t have exactly the same events because of certain events that happened in both of their lives. For example, the author Wes Moore does not have a brother like Tony that is exposed to violent things. With Wes being in a bad area and also having Tony as a brother, that could influence him to do violent things as well, even if Tony says not to. I do believe that both of the Wes Moore’s had pretty similar and rough experiences. But I also believe the very few differences in their lives have the biggest impact on them. So this could be a reason why the author Wes Moore ended up as an author, politician, and businessman, while on the other hand prisoner Wes Moore ended up in prison, and did not get the chance to advance his life the way he could have if he was not in

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