The Oppression Of Women On The Internet

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Not a soul is safe on the internet. People take the internet for granted, but ignore if someone is lurking on the other side and watching. The internet has evolved since its early conception; to a point where people can form exchanges and observe nature from their living-room. In the modern era, people have taken things to a completely different level. The internet seems to want and or purposely portrays woman as weaker or dumber humans than males. On the World Wide Web; people have portrayed women as fake beings and lower-life forms. This can be proven by one of the many rules of the internet that has been around for nearly 2 decades. The rule states that “There are no girls on the internet”. This rule implies that the woman on the internet …show more content…

Females have had the worst of it though; from exposing themselves because of how an integrated system, process, or because they can get a quick buck from doing what they told from others on the web. The previously mentioned Twitch is a mainly a video game streaming website where Gamers can play video games and present themselves Live to viewers willing to watch their stream. Twitch is also used for professional business presentations, video life journals, and visual art design. In recent times, though, there has been a girl on Twitch that dress skimpy or wear exposing clothing to attract men in their content and hope to get a paid donation for easy cash through a system that allows viewers to make a comment, send money, and have them presented on the live feed for others to see. there is a great number of men that have built a strong hate against these women and even another woman have stated that these streamers are giving a bad name to the term “gamer girl”, which is just the female equivalent of a male …show more content…

It is truly unfortunate when a woman succeeds in something and she would see the internet’s reaction. People think that the woman will become too successful and start to think that she’s better than others or they might think that the woman already has thoughts as to why she is better than others. In most situations that is not the case. There is also the concept of trolls. Trolls are people on the internet whose main goal is to annoy, bully, and make fun of people. Women are easy targets on the web because they don’t know how to defend themselves against those who attack. Social media like Twitter and Facebook are also worse for women. On these platforms, women have said things that men don’t agree with or will make a response to another’s post that will anger men or others that will feel

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