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Definition of terrorism 60 words
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Recommended: Definition of terrorism 60 words
Over the past Century, terrorism has advanced from random killings to enormous plans for terrorist groups. To understand terrorism you must first define it. Terrorism as we all know it is hard to define and understand, and has many different definitions as it is used widely. The word "terrorism" stems from the word "terror", which means to instill fear in. People become terrorists when they take the actions towards instilling fear and terror upon people to prove a certain point or agenda. Some terrorists may have the motivation of proving something political, while some may just inflict terror to keep control over a group, people or country. Then there are terrorists who act under the notion that they are showing support for something, as in religious regions, while others do so to show disdain for something they don't agree with. Government, individual agencies, private agencies, and academic experts have all developed, proposed, designed, and analyzed what constitutes acts of terrorism. The meaning of terrorism has definitely changed and acquired new definitions over the years. The million dollar question is how will the future of America be affected by this act of terrorism?
Terrorism represents a continuing threat to the United States. It is the most significant threat to our national security. Terrorist attacks have definitely left many concerns about the possibilities of future incidents of terrorism in the United States. Since the events of September 11, 2011, Americans and much of the world are afraid. Americans are at war with terrorism and no longer feel comfortable. A part of this unease feeling has to do with cyber terrorism.
When the internet was invented, it was a great way of communication in order to keep famili...
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... others in some shape, form or fashion.
The future of America is definitely affected by terrorism and terrorism has benefited from the new technologies that aid and speed up communication around the world. Terrorists can use their tactics that they know and manipulate advanced technologies such as the internet. These technological advantages have certainly improved the capabilities of terrorist groups to plan and accomplish their operation. It also offers these terrorists the ability to affect communities faster and much more intensely than earlier terrorists. In order to reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, in regards to their threats, strategies and tactics, when dealing with the internet, a complete understanding of the nature of America’s enemies is necessary. But still, will the world ever be free of terrorism?
Works Cited
O'Conner 2011
James 2005
Unfortunately, terrorism is known to the United States very well because there are a lot of threats of terrorist acts against the United States. Unlike, a criminal threat a terrorist threat is considered to be very serious and has to be acted upon as soon as possible because these
The FBI defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives (fbi.gov).” By this definition, terrorism can be classified as internal or international based on the overall intent of the attack. Terrorism has been around since the beginning of time, but it’s only since 2011 that the world has come to fully understand the meaning of terrorism. The following paragraphs will highlight four different types of terrorist attacks that all took place within the United States spanning over a 40 year time period.
As stated by Haddow, C., Bullock, J., Coppola, D.P., Terrorism is a global problem. From 1969 to 2009, over 38,000 terrorist attacks were reported worldwide. Three thousand, or 8 percent of these, targeted Americans or American interests both inside the United States and overseas, leading to the deaths of almost 5600 people and injuries to over 16,000 more (p. 309).
Within the world today, there are many organizations with varying opinions about specific ideals. But some of the organizations will take things to the extreme, and will do almost anything to prove that their view is the right one. This extreme act to further an objective is known as terrorism, but what exactly is a formal definition of terrorism? Frank Schmalleger defines it as “[a] violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state, that is committed to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (Criminal Justice Today, 2013 p.560). The American way of life and other aspects such as policy and the criminal justice system have been impacted by terrorism in many ways over the course of the twenty first century.
The term “cyber terrorism” refers to the use of the Internet as a medium in which an attack can be launched such as hacking into electrical grids, security systems, and vital information networks. Over the past four decades, cyber terrorists have been using the Internet as an advanced communication tool in which to quickly spread and organize their members and resources. For instance, by using the instantaneous spread of information provided by the Internet, several terrorist’s groups have been able to quickly share information, coordinate attacks, spread propaganda, raise funds, and find new recruits for their cause. Instantaneous and unpredictable, the technological advantages these terrorists have obtained from using the Internet includes
Americans have considered terrorism as a horror that occurs in other countries and not as a real threat to America itself. As the recent terrorist attacks on our nation shows, this opinion was gravely incorrect. There are several policies in both the private sector and our government, which contributed to our vulnerability to terrorism.
The internet is the best way to communicate with others. According to John Deighton in 1996, there were 35 million users online. Which is nothing compared to now. On June 30, 2012, a group call the Miniwatts Marketing Group there were 2,405,518,378 people on the internet, 1,076,518,378 users came from Asia alone! (Internet Usage Statistics). The internet is basically a communication system created by a network of computers (History of the Internet) and was invented in the year 1957 (Clare Suddath). It wasn't very popular until Mark Andreessen created the modern web browser which allowed the sharing of files (History of the Internet) and at the time it was only used by select universities and the United States military (Something Ventured). It grew in popularity in the 90's when websites like yahoo came to be. The internet has changed America and the world for the better because it made communication easier in education, business, with friends and families, and overseas.
The word terror dates back to the French Revolution. “A terrorist was, in its original meaning, a Jacobin who ruled France during la Terruer” (Moeller 20). Terrorism has clearly become much broader in the years since its origination. Since the concept was first birthed in France it has been used for separatist, nationalistic, political and religious ends, etc. In the book “Packaging Terrorism”, author Susan Moeller states that, “the goal of terrorism is to send a message, not to defeat the enemy”.
Cyber Security as an International Security Threat National and International Security is a sum of the actions taken by countries and other organizations that can guarantee the safety and well being of their population. It is vital for a nation to pre-emptively discover what issues could affect their security, and take action to prevent any detrimental or harmful events from happening. With the development of technology and the transition into a more technologically savvy society, cyber security has become one of the most prevalent and important economic and national security issues that the United States will come to face. United States President Barack Obama has identified cyber security as a key issue the nation will face. President Obama declared that the “cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation” and that “America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber security (“Foreign Policy Cyber Security,” 2013).”
To prevent tragedies like 9/11 from taking its toll on the United States, terrorism needs to be thought about still to this day. One quote that proves this point is, “In 2001, the federal commission warned that terrorists could get weapons that could cause mass destruction. Congress needs to work on the integrated governmental structures to better the nation's security” (Augustine). The nation's security can help with the destruction of weapons that are dangerous to the U.S. This can cause more attacks like 9/11 and create a larger threat to the population.
On September 11, 2001, the destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon changed the mindset and the opinion of nearly every American on the one of the most vital issues in the 21st century: terrorism (Hoffman 2). Before one can begin to analyze how the United States should combat such a perverse method of political change, one must first begin to understand what terrorism is, where it is derived from, and why there is terrorism. These issues are essential in America’s analysis of this phenomenon that has revolutionized its foreign policy and changed America’s stance in the world.
It is asserted in another article Terrorist Use of the Internet: Information Operations in Cyberspace by Catherine A. Theohary and John Rollins. Both of them claimed that terrorists are using cyber space to dismantle different information operations through induction of fraudulent financial procedures, hacking and disinformation. They have argued that terrorist may use cyber space for the social and economic assistance. Moreover they have reviewed different American internet security agencies like DOD, FBI and NSA, and have devised that already many preliminary steps have been taken to combat cyber terrorism but they have stressed on the need of further planning of restricting the cyber warfare (Rollins and Theohary, 2011).
Terrorism is one of the most extensively discussed issues of our time and at the same time it is also one of the least understood. The term itself “terrorism” means many different things to different people, cultures, and races. As a result, trying to define or classify terrorism with one universal definition is nearly impossible. The definition of terrorism used in this research is a reflection of much of the Western and American way of defining it. The definition of terrorism is,
receives each day remains unsettling. Citizens have questioned why we do not use original tactics when it comes to finding terrorist but, original tactics would not keep the U.S. on the same playing field as those that threaten America. Terrorist groups around the world have started reaching out through social media and other personal technology. A surprising amount of recruitment for terrorist groups in America takes place through social media. The government has stopped numerous terrorist attacks due to reports of suspicious activity that leads government officials to trace a suspect’s call history.
The internet has revolutionized all forms of communication since the beginning of its existence. The world has now become smaller' or more like a global village', so to speak. The internet was first used by the U.S military for communications purposes. The internet, from the communication point of view, has brought on new developments and techniques to keep in touch not only for individuals, but for businesses as well. An example of how the internet has impacted communication would be an example of doctors now communicating through live video feeds via the internet with patients or other doctors to diagnose patients or to even guide and advise surgeons through complicated procedures.