The Nonfictional Biographic Film Rudy

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Nearly everyone who has succeeded in some venture of life has at one point encountered harsh criticism. The nonfictional biographic film “Rudy” is a paragon of accomplishing goals despite the negative people who do not acknowledge the person to their desired success. Rudy, the protagonist, holds aspirations of enrolling in Notre Dame but is continually discouraged until his recurring persistence and devotion to overcome his obstacles and he achieve his dreams, proving his opposing views wrong in interpreting his life. Despite the hindrances, Rudy achieves success and his story remains an inspiration motivating others in their dreams regardless of its possible appearance of ludicrous obscurity. When Rudy is accepted as a transfer student to …show more content…

Fortune’s compassion is portrayed when he reluctantly gives the key to Rudy to live in the grounds crew facility room and pretends he “knew nothing about it,” ultimately taking on a protective role of trust. Fortune has the dual goal of producing great performance and self-led followers as he edifies Rudy to become self-sufficient in to achieving his goals. By not acknowledging when he gives Rudy the key, Fortune indirectly communicates his expectation that Rudy will eventually find another abode to sleep. Although he is serious, he shares a sense of humor and develops a close friendship with Rudy. He listens to Rudy when he is being a dreamer, reenacting famous speeches that inspired Rudy, but always brought him back to reality. When a new coach leaves Rudy off the dress list for the final home game, Rudy’s goal has become less about personal satisfaction and more about proving himself to everyone who ever doubted him, and so he quits the team in frustration. Fortune does not accept Rudy’s notions of failure, and tries to change his perspectives to the more positive views by creating a vision pointing out Rudy’s achievements he fails to

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