The Negative Impact of Gun Control

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The U.S. Congress is still debating the effectiveness of federal regulation of guns and ammunition. All sorts of federal laws have been made since 1934 to promote the regulation of firearms. Many people have different views on the topic of gun control. I, for one, am pro “gun-rights” and believe that there are many disadvantages to the controlling of guns. When people think of guns, all they think about is the school shootings that have occurred over the past decade or two. Those events are just unfortunate, but in reality those kids who killed all those people did not purchase the gun, they stole it. Debates against gun control is stronger then the debate for it. The reasonable solution would be to eliminate guns all together, but we all know that that will never happen. Opposition to federal controls is very strong. People opposing gun control say that federal policies don’t keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk persons; rather, it often creates barriers for law-abiding citizens and violates a citizen’s constitutional right provided by the Second Amendment. Many say, and I agree that widespread gun ownership is one of the best deterrents to crime. Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year or about 6,850 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are ...

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