The Negative Effects Of Tragedy

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Family deaths, terror attacks, flight malfunctions, and car accidents are just a few of the tragedies people might witness in their lifetime. When these instances occur, many people look for something to blame these sudden disasters on and rid themselves of the mystery behind the motive of the event. Although tragedies are often times extremely difficult to find a an explanation for, people try to understand why they happen and look for the fault that caused the tragedy. This is done to create a logical explanation with which people can continue living their lives, offer a solution to the problem of the tragedy’s effect on people, and create a system through which people try to avoid the reoccurrence of the tragedy. News of tragedies usually spreads throughout the audiences to which it has an effect. When these counter-societal situations occur that go against societal norms and routines, they create a cultural and societal disturbance. Whether a tragedy occurs within a family or among the global population, it …show more content…

Often, authorities initiate investigation teams to gather information about the variables of public tragedies. They try to connect the pieces of the puzzle in the situation and identify a source from which the tragedy stemmed. With this information, people feel that they are able to prevent the tragedy from reoccurring. They put an effort to predict actions and situations that lead to similar tragedies and implement ways to inhibit catastrophes. Additionally, they try to analyze the motives behind tragedies, especially if they were fulfilled by humans, and apply their conclusions to educate the public on signs of potential risks of tragedies. Many times these attempts to avoid tragedies are successful, but when they are not, they can cause further confusion in the public opinion and

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